What I’m about to share with you has been on my heart for quite some time, like 5+ years or so, and it makes me nervous to finally move forward and share this with you as it requires me to leave my familiar, very well known comfort zone yet I’m following my heart, so here goes…

I’m retiring…

my last name…

Most of you have met or known me as Tiffany Peterson.

What a journey it’s been…and I’m so grateful for it all.

And it’s time to release it…actually its wayyyy overdue (again like 5+ years I’ve been thinking about this!!)

Peterson is my formerly married name and while my former spouse and I are on good terms, I’ve felt ready for a while now to let it go.

I had the clear knowing, a spiritual experience, many years ago to change my name…and I didn’t honor it at that time (more to come on that later this week).

And while I’ve faced/facing many fears in releasing the familiar, I KNOW it’s time…

Some might say it is brand or career suicide, with all the content, TEDx talks, hours and hours of TV segments, videos, podcasts, you name it in this name. And it might be. It is a risk to make a major change like this nearly 15 years in on building a name and a brand.

Yet it’s also risky to continue to ignore what my soul feels called to do — you feel me on that too?!

It is time to release it, risks and all…

I’ll be back in your inbox on Sunday morning with the update — my NEW name and the tender spiritual experience I had years back that has guided me on this new choice along with a brand new podcast too.


I just wanted you to have a heads up of what is happening and the news coming live this week…and to also perhaps remind you too to honor what you feel is right for you, even if it totally scares you.

Like I’ve shared recently on Facebook and Instagram (come follow me there if we aren’t already connected), the simple yet sage advice to DO IT SCARED.