I’m Retiring My Name…

I’m Retiring My Name…

What I’m about to share with you has been on my heart for quite some time, like 5+ years or so, and it makes me nervous to finally move forward and share this with you as it requires me to leave my familiar, very well known comfort zone yet I’m following my heart, so here goes…

I’m retiring…

my last name…

Most of you have met or known me as Tiffany Peterson.

What a journey it’s been…and I’m so grateful for it all.

And it’s time to release it…actually its wayyyy overdue (again like 5+ years I’ve been thinking about this!!)

Peterson is my formerly married name and while my former spouse and I are on good terms, I’ve felt ready for a while now to let it go.

I had the clear knowing, a spiritual experience, many years ago to change my name…and I didn’t honor it at that time (more to come on that later this week).

And while I’ve faced/facing many fears in releasing the familiar, I KNOW it’s time…

Some might say it is brand or career suicide, with all the content, TEDx talks, hours and hours of TV segments, videos, podcasts, you name it in this name. And it might be. It is a risk to make a major change like this nearly 15 years in on building a name and a brand.

Yet it’s also risky to continue to ignore what my soul feels called to do — you feel me on that too?!

It is time to release it, risks and all…

I’ll be back in your inbox on Sunday morning with the update — my NEW name and the tender spiritual experience I had years back that has guided me on this new choice along with a brand new podcast too.


I just wanted you to have a heads up of what is happening and the news coming live this week…and to also perhaps remind you too to honor what you feel is right for you, even if it totally scares you.

Like I’ve shared recently on Facebook and Instagram (come follow me there if we aren’t already connected), the simple yet sage advice to DO IT SCARED.

Podcast: EP 129 Letting Go of The Old to Make Room for The New

Podcast: EP 129 Letting Go of The Old to Make Room for The New

In this episode, Tiffany Peterson reflects on the importance of letting go of the old to make room for the new in our lives. She discusses the process of attracting new desires and manifestations by releasing the old, whether it’s at the beginning of the year or any time we seek change. Tiffany emphasizes the significance of clarity, visioning, meditation, and declaration in creating space for new goals and dreams to come to fruition.



“Nothing is missing in your life. You simply must make room for the new.”

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show notes

  • Letting go to invite new. (00:50)
  • Making room for the new. (06:43)
  • Cleansing and releasing energy. (10:07)
  • Embracing change and evolution. (12:48)
  • Letting go for new beginnings. (15:58)

Links mentioned in this episode

If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts

Podcast: EP 125 Diving Deep in Relationships

Podcast: EP 125 Diving Deep in Relationships

We’re talking about relationships.


I hosted a Coaching and Charcuterie event this month, a live podcast Q&A recording, and I’m bringing you some of the best conversations from that evening on the show! We’re kicking off with a whole episode dedicated to the conversation my husband Brett and I had at the end of the evening about our partnership, dating, self-care, and more. You’ll hear audience questions, laughter, stories, and insights into how men and women can create healthy, balanced lives that attract good partners.

“One of the best things you can do for your partner is to get more serious about your own self-care.”

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show notes

  • What it looks like to love seeing your partner shine (3:50)
  • Why it’s so important to feel good in your own skin by yourself (10:30)
  • How men can practice healthy self-care in relationship (12:20)
  • Ways women can support their husbands in becoming more emotionally verbal (18:10)
  • The garbage can metaphor that works for us in communication and venting (30:00)

Links mentioned in this episode:

If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts

Podcast: EP 123 My Manifesting Formula

Podcast: EP 123 My Manifesting Formula

You are a powerful creator.


I have been so excited to share a new tool with you that has been a long time in the making. You know I love journaling, but you also know I love big visions, creation energy, and the magic of manifestation. So today I’m sharing the formula that I’ve used for years to manifest what I most desire.

In this episode, I share my new creation journal, how I use it, and what you can manifest by using this practice to create the life you desire. 

“A combination of gratitude matched with manifestation is the sweet spot.”

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show notes

  • (9:00) The power of a vision board and how to use that in journaling
  • (12:20) How I practice gratitude as a means to create something new
  • (19:40) Why inspired action is the third piece to manifesting what you want

Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts

    Podcast: EP 122 Be Seen with Jen Gottlieb

    Podcast: EP 122 Be Seen with Jen Gottlieb


    I know you are going to love today’s episode. It’s with one of the best speakers I know, who just wrote an incredible book about what it takes to be seen as who you really are — and why it’s so important that you are.

    Jen Gottlieb is a powerhouse entrepreneur, international speaker, host of the I Dare You Podcast, and co-founder of Super Connector Media – an award-winning training, events, and online education company. With a successful five-year stint as a VH1 host and a career as a Broadway actress, Jen has been making waves in the entrepreneurial world by teaching business owners how to build profitable brands and become “The Recognized Expert” in their field.

    As a sought-after speaker, Jen has shared the stage with top thought-leaders and celebrities, includingGary Vaynerchuk, Marie Forleo, Eric Thomas, Emmit Smith, Snoop Dogg, and Martha Stewart. Her work has been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, Maxim, Goop, Women’s Health, and other major publications.

    Jen’s company, Super Connector Media, was recently listed on the INC 5000 list of fastest-growing private companies in America, and Jen herself was named one of the “Top 50 Speakers in The World” by Real Leaders Magazine.

    Despite her many accolades, Jen remains a true New Yorker at heart and shares her Manhattan home with her husband Chris and their three adorable dogs, Tammie, Teddy, and King Arthurs. 

    In this episode, Jen shares the story behind her amazing career, why she had to read her own book to give her the courage to be seen, and what is possible when you leave behind the fear of judgment about who you are.

    “We get so wrapped up in worrying about what other people think of us that we forget that it’s not about us at all.”

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    show notes

    • (8:00) Why we get so tangled in fear about being seen for who we are
    • (12:25) What to do when you feel blocked by fear of judgment
    • (21:25) The letter writing exercise that can create a powerful shift
    • (26:55) The power of listening to your future self to create a big vision

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    follow Jen


    If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts

    Podcast: EP 121 Plant Your Seeds with Tara Starling

    Podcast: EP 121 Plant Your Seeds with Tara Starling

    What do you really want?


    I am talking with one of my dearest and oldest friends on the podcast today. She has so much wisdom to share, but this conversation is about dreams, desires, manifestation, planting seeds and harvesting them, and believing it’s all possible.

    Tara Starling’s life is equal parts dirt and glitter. As a bestselling author, celebrity makeup artist, TEDx speaker, flower farmer, world humanitarian, avowed chocolate snob, goat trainer, and tiara collector, she draws upon a large and varied tapestry of life experiences in her writing.

    She and her husband Michael split time between their home in Salt Lake City and their hobby farm, StarFord Shire, in the Ozarks of Missouri. Tara’s greatest joy comes from sharing with others the inside story aboutTrue Beauty, and the principles and practices that anyone can use to create a beautiful life.

    In this episode, Tara shares the stories of becoming a flower farmer, an author, a coach, and keeping her makeup artist career alive all while pursuing her big dreams. She will inspire you to yes to your dreams.

    “There is a spiritual power to dreams. They have a will.”

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    show notes

    • (7:00) How Tara went from being to makeup artist to being a flower farmer
    • (11:30) Why the seasons of our lives reflect nature and the laws of creation
    • (17:45) The 3 basic steps to the law of creation
    • (24:00) Why it’s okay to dream big
    • (35:20) The magic coins of gratitude and love
    • (45:00 What happens when we take one step towards our dreams

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    follow Tara


    If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts