It’s a new year, and i’m sharing my favorite goal setting tools.
I hope you enjoyed and celebrated the holidays as much as I did. It was a beautiful gift, and now the new year is here. In this first episode of the year, and Season 2 of the podcast, I am sharing some key tools I use to set and accomplish effective goals.
If you’ve struggled with goal-setting in the past, have a little emotional trauma around accomplishing them, or want to achieve a whole new level of creation this year, I’ve recorded a solo episode just for you. There are three keys to manifesting what you want in life, and I share my best coaching around this intention with you here.
“Without vision in our lives, we simply repeat what is familiar.”
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show notes
- Why what we focus on matters so much (2:42)
- How to think about goal-setting if you have struggled with it in the past (5:02)
- The first key to creating anything in your life (7:58)
- An exercise to get clear on your priorities for the year (23:30)
- The second key to creating anything in your life (24:05)
- The third key to creating anything in your life (30:37)
- What to do if you are ready for next-level creation and manifestation (32:30)
- Resources to help you take your goal setting to the next level (34:27)
links mentioned in this episode
- The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte
- Willpower Doesn’t Work
- Ann Webb – Ideal Life Vision
- 7 Strategies for Successful Goal Achievement
- Recommended Reading List
- The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer
- Tiffany’s YouTube channel
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