Podcast: EP 118 From Sweeping Floors to Making Millions on Instagram with Ronne Brown
When you hear the phrase “anything is possible,” do you believe it?
I met today’s guest at an event this year and was so impressed with her connection to her faith, especially when it comes to her business success. I am so excited to share her spirit and wisdom with you on the show and I hope it brings you as much peace as it brought me.
Ronne Brown is a branding expert, Ted X speaker, author, mentor, wife and a mother of four. She has made her mark internationally in the online and social media business with her revolutionizing branding techniques. She went from being a statistic to a success story and turned minimum wage income into a seven-figure salary within a few short years.
Now, Ronne is equipping women nationwide on how to be the CEO in their business’, lives and homes via her Girl CEO community. Ronne Brown is one of social medias most influential entrepreneurs inspiring and teaching people around the world how to create six-figure incomes, become debt free and live life on their own terms.
In this episode, Ronne shares her story of choosing faith over fear when it came to building her business and making the impact she has been called to make.
“Worry and God do not mix.”
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show notes
- How to prioritize your peace no matter what season you are in (3:16)
- What Ronne learned about the power of being real and authentic from being a teen mom (12:55)
- The path Ronne took to go from janitor to millionaire (20:00)
- What inspired Ronne to create her GirlCEO brand so that women wouldn’t be alone when building their businesses (32:25)
- What Ronne would say to her 25 year old self (34:00)
Links mentioned in this episode:
- Ronne’s book
- Ronne’s TEDx talk
- RehabMyBrand.com
- Text Ronne at 202-410-2903 with your takeaway from this episode
follow Ronne
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