What if the shoe drops syndrome?
Have you ever experienced that feeling or thought when things are going really well, that what if the shoe drops? In other words, now that things are going smoothly, where is the potential trouble going to come from?
I know I’ve been guilty of this myself.
It’s as if we don’t trust when things are going well, good, successful for us.
I love the thought provoking teaching from Gay Hendricks where he says, “How good can you stand it?” Meaning how much joy, success, and good stuff can you handle? That’s worthwhile to consider isn’t it? How good can you stand it?
I realized in a coaching session today that when we are living with that fear or anxiety, what is really happening are two things:
1. We are allowing that thought to take us out of the present moment by living future forward. When we feel guilt or regret, we are in the past. When we feel fear or anxiety about “what if’s” we are living in the future. In other words, not the PRESENT or real moment we actually have. Let’s return to this present moment and deal with what is, not what if or may be. The present is where our power is at.
2. According to Susan Jeffers, author of “Feel the Fear & Do It Anyway” she claims that under all fear is really the question, “What if I can’t handle it?” What if something bad happens (aka shoe drops!) and I can’t handle the loss, feelings, fear, humiliation, etc.?
Here’s the TRUTH – you will handle it. You always have. You are worthy and deserving of having great stuff in your life. And if you’re not used to the great stuff so it feels uncomfortable or unfamiliar, make a conscious decision to become comfortable. Repeat after me, “I allow myself to receive. I trust myself. I am worthy and deserving. I am capable to handle it.”
I am choosing to live in the present. I am choosing to become more and more comfortable with the good stuff – the JOY in this PRESENT moment.
Let’s do this together – will you join me?
Much love & gratitude,
How good can you stand it?!