Podcast: EP 96 Alignment or Hustle? Let’s Talk

Podcast: EP 96 Alignment or Hustle? Let’s Talk

I have an important message for you.


If you’re like me, you’ve seen a lot of coaching going around in the last year that preaches the power of alignment to manifest whatever you want. And I love that message. I believe in the power of alignment, meditation, and manifesting. But there’s somthing going on with this message that is getting twisted. And that’s when it leaves out the part about hustle.

In this episode, I gives some truth talk about the importance of effort, work, or hustle (whatever you want to call it) in making your dreams come true. It’s based on a natural law and nothing happens outside of natural law. So let’s change the conversation and speak the truth: our dreams come from alignment and hustle working together.

“You have to have effort. It’s natural law.”

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show notes

  • What’s behind the alignment message that many successful business owners are teaching right now (3:00)
  • Why effort is an essential ingredient to success (7:00)
  • Hustle doesn’t mean burnout but it does mean picking up the phone (10:30)
  • What to do if you’ve been waiting on perfection to take action (14:03)


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    Podcast: EP 95 Awakening Your Greatness with Darleen Santore

    Podcast: EP 95 Awakening Your Greatness with Darleen Santore

    I cannot wait for you to hear from my new friend, Coach Dar.


    I met her when we were both speaking at an amazing event recently and within minutes I knew we were on the same page. I am so inspired and impressed with her story, her work, and her new book, and I was so happy to bring her on the show so you can hear from her as well.

    As a Board Certified Occupational Therapist, CEO & Founder of Performance Meets Purpose Consulting, author, and keynote speaker, Coach Dar is passionate about helping people break through adversity to achieve greatness. Recently named Senior Fellow of PathNorth—an organization of world leaders and CEOs of Fortune 100 companies—her powerful message continues to reach a global audience.

    An inspirational woman with the drive to give back, Coach Dar was awarded the Most Inspiring Woman of 2017 by the WNBA, recognized in the 2018 VoyagerPhoenix series titled Trailblazers: Rewriting The Narrative, and is a founding member of WISH (Women in Service and Hope) for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Phoenix. Coach Dar is also a United States Ambassador for the Global Pay It Forward Day Initiative, driven by the belief that #RaisingTheBar includes acts of kindness that leave every person and every place we encounter better than when we found them.

    In this episode, Coach Dar teaches how to find a vision that will fuel you through a bounceback, key principles to bouncing back, and what your greatness is really about.

    “When we hit adversity, we tend to forget all the things that are good in us.”

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    show notes

    • The series of setbacks that Darleen lived through in order to learn how to bounceback (3:30)
    • How to use the power of vision when you’ve lost sight of what you want (9:30)
    • How faith helps us bounce back from our biggest challenges (18:30)
    • What Darleen did when she found out her fertility options were different than she had believed for 20 years (22:45)
    • What Darleen has learned from coaching pro athletes (30:30)


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    Podcast: EP 91 The 5 Pillars of Health with Brooke Hemingway

    Podcast: EP 91 The 5 Pillars of Health with Brooke Hemingway

    Health is wealth. So let’s talk about it.


    Of all the success habits we talk about on the show, the one that sits at the top of my list is health. I invited my friend Brooke on the show to share some of the best tips that she has taught me about taking care of our bodies and our minds. It makes such a huge difference in all areas of life, and I know you’ll feel empowered by her insights on how to do this.

    Here’s Brooke’s story in her own words: “I spent 20+ years in the gym setting teaching classes from MMA style workouts to vinyasa flow.  I received my degree in kinesiology from SDSU in 2002 and pursued my love of movement, working in top gyms in San Diego and LA. During that time I decided to take my studies into medicine, receiving my BSN from Mt St Mary’s in 2005, and going on to become an ICU RN. After 10 years I felt my heart calling me back to WELLNESS. I respect medicine and those who work in it, but in reality it didn’t align with my philosophy on health and how to truly keep one out of the hospital.  I came full circle back into health.  Since 2015 I’ve been building a massive wellness business based off premium quality supplements that address root healing.  Gut health, insulin resistance, and inflammation are at the core of almost all health issues and symptoms that have you feeling tired, overweight, under motivated, and sick.  That’s where I focus by combining a customized supplementation system, simple lifestyle and food modifications, and mindset support.

    In this episode, Brooke shares the powerful story of transforming her own relationship to her health, as well as her best tips to maintaining the 5 key pillars of health in your own life.

    “Health is wealth.”

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    show notes

    • The difference between Brooke’s early career in health and where she is now (4:00)
    • Why gut health and supplements are so effective and important (13:00)
    • How to think of health as the foundation for success in all your dreams (15:50)
    • A tip for making water a pillar of your health (17:50)
    • Why daily movement can save your life (21:40)
    • How to make sleep one of your strongest pillars of health (28:14)
    • Simple ways to boost your nutrition (33:14)
    • Why your self-talk and mindset about your body is an essential pillar of health (44:36)
    • The story behind Brooke’s annual event Align (50:40)


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    Podcast: EP 90 The Turned On Life with Kate Strong

    Podcast: EP 90 The Turned On Life with Kate Strong

    There’s another way to practice self-care.


    I love my friend Kate Strong — ever since I first met her at a women’s event years ago, I’ve been drawn to her self-love, her power, and her understanding of what it means to really take care of yourself.

    Here’s how Kate talks about her journey and her work: “Most of the problems you are experiencing arise from battles within. I’ve been through it: faith transition, heartbreak, divorce, depression, anxiety, and more. On my journey of self-love and healing, I have become a healer, shaman, life coach, certified personal trainer, yoga instructor, and speaker. I am a guide who has walked the path to finding my true self, and from it has emerged a heart full of love, gratitude, perspective, and optimism. I want that for all. I am here to help.”

    In this episode, Kate shares the key lessons that have transformed her life, her self-care, her work, and her love for herself. I know you’ll resonate with some or all of her story and be empowered to dive deeper into your own self-care as well.

    “Asking myself led me to getting to know myself, which the end result of was loving myself.”

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    show notes

    • How Kate fell in love with self-care (2:43)
    • The 5 pillars that Kate has learned to build her life on (7:05)
    • How to stop perfectionism from blocking your self-care (9:50)
    • The pivotal moment for Kate when everything changed (12:04)
    • The idea of turn on and why it’s the icing on the cake of self-care (18:15)
    • What it means to create an altar as part of your self-care (21:20)


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    Podcast: EP 86 How to Be Loving with Danielle LaPorte

    Podcast: EP 86 How to Be Loving with Danielle LaPorte

    I’m back with danielle and we’re talking about gentleness.


    I met Danielle years ago when we were both in younger chapters of our careers and lives. It’s been a joy to watch her evolve as I’ve evolved, and I was so excited to hear her wisdom on this episode when we met to talk about her newest book.

    Danielle LaPorte is a member of Oprah’s Super Soul 100, a group who, in Oprah Winfrey’s words, “is uniquely connecting the world together with a spiritual energy that matters.” She is the creator of The Desire Map series, “A heart centered approach to finding your true power”. The book has been translated into ten languages, a day planner system, a multimedia course, a Top 10 iTunes app, and workshop and coaching programs with leaders in 15+ countries. She’s also the author of more books including her newest one, How to Be Loving. She and her team coach hundreds of leaders around the world.

    In this episode, Danielle shares her journey of learning to be gentle, loving, and healing to herself, and why this is essential for your life, health, and business success.

    “Everything you want is on the other side of gentle.”

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    show notes

    • What has changed for Danielle since her early days in business (3:05)
    • What it means to abandon yourself (4:40)
    • The shift that happened inside her to move towards gentleness (6:55)
    • How to discern whether you are abandoning yourself with an action (13:03)
    • The difference between the golden child, the needy child, and the inner child (16:25)
    • Why we are all healers of ourselves (22:00)
    • Our natural state of forgiveness (27:20)
    • What it means to be open-hearted (42:00)


    links mentioned in this episode

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    If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts