Podcast: EP 93 Your Future Self with Dr. Benjamin Hardy
I’m already on my second round of reading this book.
The only guest I’ve invited on my show 3 times is my friend Benjamin Hardy. He is so smart, so good at explaining how to be your best self, and so genuine that I always want to talk to him about his work. His newest book is out and I’ve already read it twice.
Dr. Benjamin Hardy is an organizational psychologist and is the world’s leading expert on the psychology of entrepreneurial leadership and exponential growth. His PhD research focused on entrepreneurial courage and transformational leadership. Before completing his PhD, his blogs were read by over 100 million people, he published his first major book Willpower Doesn’t Work, and he was running a 7-figure online training business. Since finishing his PhD in 2019, Dr. Hardy has published 5 additional books, including three co-authored with the legendary entrepreneurial coach, Dan Sullivan. His books have sold hundreds of thousands of copies and he is a sought-after teacher and speaker at corporate and entrepreneurial events as well as Fortune 500 companies. He and his wife Lauren are the parents of six kids and live in Orlando, Florida.
In this episode, Ben shares how to think of being your future self now, why that’s so important, and how it impacts every part of your life today.
“Your future self is your greatest guide. They love you more than you love yourself.”
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show notes
- How to be true to your future self (5:30)
- What it means to choose your future self versus your present self (8:30)
- Why changing yourself starts with being, not doing (18:42)
- The process Ben uses to get clarity (26:20)
- What happens when you go from needing to wanting to knowing (35:10)
- Why knowing what you want is important (45:10)
links mentioned in this episode
- Be Your Future Self Now book
- Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl
follow Ben
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