by Tiffany | Mar 13, 2012 | Goals
All too often, goals will be set with great passion and desire for achieving a major objective. This could be doubling one’s income, writing a book, losing 100 pounds, or organizing the entire home. These are great and grand goals to have, yet in supporting you to set yourself up to succeed, I invite you to apply the MTO formula by Raymond Aaron to help increase your odds and pleasure with goal setting and achievement.
When we set goals that are a huge stretch, we will likely either overwhelm ourselves and back off the goal, not believe it’s truly possible, or perhaps not even start the goal process in the first place.
When it comes to goal setting, I invite you to think of “scaling” your goals for optimum success. When it’s scalable, we can see the goal in chunks and as a series of progress versus an all or nothing, black and white scenario.
Consider each of your goals – sales, income, health, relationships, organization, etc. Now, apply the MTO formula to setting goals in those areas.
MTO stands for: Minimum, Target, Outrageous.
With each goal, identify, what’s my minimum achievement level that I must/will do no matter what? What’s my ideal target that I’m reaching for? What would be my outrageous, over the moon level?
For example, let’s use health as a goal. You’ve been setting high goals with your exercise and it’s just not happening. Perhaps it’s too unrealistic with your time constraints or you simply aren’t in the habit of it.
Minimum: Exercise 2X a week for 15 minutes a session
Target: Exercise 3X a week for at least 20 minutes a session.
Outrageous: Exercise 4X a week or more for at least 30 minutes a session.
Do you see how you could do the same thing for your sales calls? Organizing projects? Writing that book?
Doesn’t that feel doable for at least the minimum level? And once we get moving – we get into momentum with our goals – our odds go up of achieving even more.
This strategy is especially helpful if you feel that perfectionism is undermining you in following through and taking action. You can always commit to the minimum level and in doing so you’ll often hit the target level and in some cases, your outrageous goal.
By offering yourself the opportunity to make your goals about progress and not perfection, you keep yourself motivated and in the game of goal achievement. As you achieve one goal or level, you will feel inspired to go on to achieve more. Momentum is now in your favor and your confidence is higher, inspiring you to believe in and go for your outrageous goals!

by Tiffany | Feb 8, 2012 | Goals
Guest Expert – Liz Anderson of – shares her tips on creating realistic changes for one’s health and fitness goals. MN3488_01242012110137509_1095004.mp3
by Tiffany | Jan 16, 2012 | Goals
Bonus Call: To prepare you for great goal setting, consider and identify your wins, victories, and key lessons from 2011.
by Tiffany | Nov 21, 2011 | Blog, Goals
During the month of November, I’m been hosting a weekly free teleseminar series called, Gratitude & Generosity: The Ultimate Keys to Success. To register, go to and opt in on the home page.
I love the holidays and what I love about them most is the “feeling” that is more present and more palpable than any other time of year. A time of reflection, pondering, and awareness towards our blessings, celebration, family, friends, and our Maker, whatever title you give your Higher Power.
In my studies of successful men and women, I find that those who have a lasting impact and influence in their lives, relationships, sales, and fulfillment are those who live what I’ve deemed the SUPER G’s – gratitude and generosity. They have an attitude of gratitude, keep a gratitude journal, and are quick to express appreciation to others. They also have a giving spirit – whether of their time, resources, or talents. They give generously – sometimes from their pocketbook, sometimes from their time, their pantry, their advice and so on. It’s simply WHO THEY ARE.
Jim Rohn has said, “If you want more than what you’ve got, BECOME more than who you are.”
We can all state what we want more of – whether it be time, a new home, more clients, less weight, a new romantic partner, and so on. I’ve found the best way to manifest anything I want is…
**To be grateful for what I already have…and to be generous with what I already have.**
No matter our circumstance, we can always find something to be thankful for and we can always be generous. We can always BE these attributes…this month and always.
I challenge you to do two things this week: 1) Create a written gratitude list every day. This can take 1 minute and you’ll see how it can shift you immediately. 2) Find some way to make someone else’s day brighter – give a compliment, buy their coffee, or offer to help rake their leaves. Whatever way feels right for you, focus on finding ways to be giving to others.
I love that these two universal success principles are timeless in nature and they work to bring happiness and results to all those who apply them. I believe they are ultimate keys to success – success in happiness, health, business, and in short, LIVING!
Much love & gratitude,

If you want to receive these free training calls – 5 total – go to and opt in on the home page with your name and email. We respect your privacy and will never sell your name or information.