Podcast: EP 98 Discovering Your Authentic Self with Erica Lippy
I love this woman’s vivacious energy.
You know when you meet someone and immediately feel a connection with their spirit and energy? That’s what happened when I met Erica, and I invited her as a guest on the show for a couple of reasons. She hosts an awesome podcast that I love listening to and she has a powerful story about learning to love herself and live authentically that I think will really inspire you.
Erica Lippy is a Los Angeles Native, Life + Wellness Coach, renowned fit model, and the creator of Passion Love Pursuit; an intentional movement that encourages you to become your best self—living a vibrant life more passionately and purposefully. Her 16 years of expertise and vast knowledge in design, fit, and technical detail has made Erica one of the most sought after fit models (not to be mistaken for a fitness model) in Los Angeles. Having reached success in being known for her body and curves, she knows she has a much bigger purpose to serve.
As the host for Passion Love Pursuit podcast, Erica’s intention is to bring on guests that inspire us to become our best self, so that we might step into life more confidently, and live more passionately, and purposefully. Erica continues to strive to improve her mental and physical well-being. She shares her story openly and vulnerably, hoping that it may inspire others to find strength in their weakness, and love themselves just as they are so that they too, may flourish in life.
In this episode, Erica shares the stories of learning to love herself after years spent in unhealthy romantic relationships, how life coaching impacted her in huge ways, and her best tips for living authentically in today’s world.
“You cannot intervene in a world you cannot see.”
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show notes
- How the ending of a big relationship can change your self-perspective and self-worth (3:00)
- Exercises to love yourself instead of focusing on romantic relationships (8:05)
- How vulnerability and empathy are interconnected (16:02)
- Ways to nourish your self-confidence (23:20)
- Tips for living authentically (29:00)
links mentioned in this episode
- Erica’s podcast Passion, Love, Pursuit
follow Erica
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