Podcast: EP 118 From Sweeping Floors to Making Millions on Instagram with Ronne Brown

Podcast: EP 118 From Sweeping Floors to Making Millions on Instagram with Ronne Brown

When you hear the phrase “anything is possible,” do you believe it?


I met today’s guest at an event this year and was so impressed with her connection to her faith, especially when it comes to her business success. I am so excited to share her spirit and wisdom with you on the show and I hope it brings you as much peace as it brought me.

Ronne Brown is a branding expert, Ted X speaker, author, mentor, wife and a mother of four. She has made her mark internationally in the online and social media business with her revolutionizing branding techniques. She went from being a statistic to a success story and turned minimum wage income into a seven-figure salary within a few short years. 

Now, Ronne is equipping women nationwide on how to be the CEO in their business’, lives and homes via her Girl CEO community. Ronne Brown is one of social medias most influential entrepreneurs inspiring and teaching people around the world how to create six-figure incomes, become debt free and live life on their own terms. 

In this episode, Ronne shares her story of choosing faith over fear when it came to building her business and making the impact she has been called to make.

“Worry and God do not mix.”

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show notes

  • How to prioritize your peace no matter what season you are in (3:16)
  • What Ronne learned about the power of being real and authentic from being a teen mom (12:55)
  • The path Ronne took to go from janitor to millionaire (20:00)
  • What inspired Ronne to create her GirlCEO brand so that women wouldn’t be alone when building their businesses (32:25)
  • What Ronne would say to her 25 year old self (34:00)

Links mentioned in this episode:

follow Ronne


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Podcast: EP 116 His Rest with Ashlee Miller

Podcast: EP 116 His Rest with Ashlee Miller

What is your relationship to rest?


We’re posting a bonus episode this week on a Sunday because I’ve got an extra special conversation to share with you and it’s a little different than our usual topics. I’m talking with my dear friend Ashlee Miller about Jesus, the rest He offers us, and how we’re already worthy of the rest we need.

Ashlee Miller was raised to be an entrepreneur while growing up on an Idaho potato farm and has not stopped thinking about business and faith since. She understands the beauty of faithfully planting, nurturing, and harvesting, all while trusting God. She loves helping clients move forward to have greater peace, balance, and abundance. Ashlee’s Marketing degree and her desire to help others have allowed her to create multiple successful business ventures, all while keeping family first.

Ashlee is the author of the Hearing Heaven Revelation card deck and enjoys speaking at women’s retreats and meetings. She has deep humility for the tiny role she feels called to play in helping others realize Jesus’s deep love for them. She attributes success to Him, with gratitude for allowing her to play a small part. Ashlee and her husband, Justin, are the parents of three children. She loves natural health, delicious salads, chocolate chip cookies (balance), puzzles on the weekend, and seeing others come alive!

In this episode, Ashlee shares how this book downloaded into her mind and heart, how her life has prepared her to share this message of rest through Jesus, and why you are already qualified to rest.

“I value working and now I value resting.”

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show notes

  • What prompted Ashlee to write her new book after years of never wanting to write a book (4:05)
  • Why you already have permission to rest (8:05)
  • How to receive the love of Jesus without feeling like you have pre-qualified for it (15:40)
  • What to do when you are in a waiting season with God (20:30)
  • How to consecrate a good desire to its highest purpose (30:55)
  • Ways to daily align yourself with Jesus’ rest and His path (37:00)

Links mentioned in this episode:

follow Ashlee


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Podcast: EP 108 God Has Your Back

Podcast: EP 108 God Has Your Back

Let’s talk about god.


I felt prompted to record a different kind of episode on the show this week, so I’m honoring it. I’m talking about God and spirituality and intimacy with spirit and how much you are loved by the Divine. I hope this message serves you no matter where you are at with these things, because I know it can.

In this episode, I share a personal story that reminded me in a powerful way that there is a God, they have my back, and we can believe that good things are coming.

“True spiritual teachers turn you back into yourself, meaning come back home to yourself.”

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show notes

  • What I say when people tell me I’m a powerful woman (11:50)
  • How to connect with God when you don’t know how (18:50)
  • The story where I got a powerful reminder that God has my back (29:55)
  • A prayer you can say when you don’t know what to do next (34:50)


links mentioned in this episode


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Podcast: EP 90 The Turned On Life with Kate Strong

Podcast: EP 90 The Turned On Life with Kate Strong

There’s another way to practice self-care.


I love my friend Kate Strong — ever since I first met her at a women’s event years ago, I’ve been drawn to her self-love, her power, and her understanding of what it means to really take care of yourself.

Here’s how Kate talks about her journey and her work: “Most of the problems you are experiencing arise from battles within. I’ve been through it: faith transition, heartbreak, divorce, depression, anxiety, and more. On my journey of self-love and healing, I have become a healer, shaman, life coach, certified personal trainer, yoga instructor, and speaker. I am a guide who has walked the path to finding my true self, and from it has emerged a heart full of love, gratitude, perspective, and optimism. I want that for all. I am here to help.”

In this episode, Kate shares the key lessons that have transformed her life, her self-care, her work, and her love for herself. I know you’ll resonate with some or all of her story and be empowered to dive deeper into your own self-care as well.

“Asking myself led me to getting to know myself, which the end result of was loving myself.”

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show notes

  • How Kate fell in love with self-care (2:43)
  • The 5 pillars that Kate has learned to build her life on (7:05)
  • How to stop perfectionism from blocking your self-care (9:50)
  • The pivotal moment for Kate when everything changed (12:04)
  • The idea of turn on and why it’s the icing on the cake of self-care (18:15)
  • What it means to create an altar as part of your self-care (21:20)


links mentioned in this episode

follow Kate


If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts

Podcast: EP 86 How to Be Loving with Danielle LaPorte

Podcast: EP 86 How to Be Loving with Danielle LaPorte

I’m back with danielle and we’re talking about gentleness.


I met Danielle years ago when we were both in younger chapters of our careers and lives. It’s been a joy to watch her evolve as I’ve evolved, and I was so excited to hear her wisdom on this episode when we met to talk about her newest book.

Danielle LaPorte is a member of Oprah’s Super Soul 100, a group who, in Oprah Winfrey’s words, “is uniquely connecting the world together with a spiritual energy that matters.” She is the creator of The Desire Map series, “A heart centered approach to finding your true power”. The book has been translated into ten languages, a day planner system, a multimedia course, a Top 10 iTunes app, and workshop and coaching programs with leaders in 15+ countries. She’s also the author of more books including her newest one, How to Be Loving. She and her team coach hundreds of leaders around the world.

In this episode, Danielle shares her journey of learning to be gentle, loving, and healing to herself, and why this is essential for your life, health, and business success.

“Everything you want is on the other side of gentle.”

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show notes

  • What has changed for Danielle since her early days in business (3:05)
  • What it means to abandon yourself (4:40)
  • The shift that happened inside her to move towards gentleness (6:55)
  • How to discern whether you are abandoning yourself with an action (13:03)
  • The difference between the golden child, the needy child, and the inner child (16:25)
  • Why we are all healers of ourselves (22:00)
  • Our natural state of forgiveness (27:20)
  • What it means to be open-hearted (42:00)


links mentioned in this episode

follow danielle


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