by Tiffany | Dec 6, 2011 | Blog
Have you ever experienced that feeling or thought when things are going really well, that what if the shoe drops? In other words, now that things are going smoothly, where is the potential trouble going to come from?
I know I’ve been guilty of this myself.
It’s as if we don’t trust when things are going well, good, successful for us.
I love the thought provoking teaching from Gay Hendricks where he says, “How good can you stand it?” Meaning how much joy, success, and good stuff can you handle? That’s worthwhile to consider isn’t it? How good can you stand it?
I realized in a coaching session today that when we are living with that fear or anxiety, what is really happening are two things:
1. We are allowing that thought to take us out of the present moment by living future forward. When we feel guilt or regret, we are in the past. When we feel fear or anxiety about “what if’s” we are living in the future. In other words, not the PRESENT or real moment we actually have. Let’s return to this present moment and deal with what is, not what if or may be. The present is where our power is at.
2. According to Susan Jeffers, author of “Feel the Fear & Do It Anyway” she claims that under all fear is really the question, “What if I can’t handle it?” What if something bad happens (aka shoe drops!) and I can’t handle the loss, feelings, fear, humiliation, etc.?
Here’s the TRUTH – you will handle it. You always have. You are worthy and deserving of having great stuff in your life. And if you’re not used to the great stuff so it feels uncomfortable or unfamiliar, make a conscious decision to become comfortable. Repeat after me, “I allow myself to receive. I trust myself. I am worthy and deserving. I am capable to handle it.”
I am choosing to live in the present. I am choosing to become more and more comfortable with the good stuff – the JOY in this PRESENT moment.
Let’s do this together – will you join me?
Much love & gratitude,
How good can you stand it?!
by Tiffany | Nov 21, 2011 | Blog, Goals
During the month of November, I’m been hosting a weekly free teleseminar series called, Gratitude & Generosity: The Ultimate Keys to Success. To register, go to and opt in on the home page.
I love the holidays and what I love about them most is the “feeling” that is more present and more palpable than any other time of year. A time of reflection, pondering, and awareness towards our blessings, celebration, family, friends, and our Maker, whatever title you give your Higher Power.
In my studies of successful men and women, I find that those who have a lasting impact and influence in their lives, relationships, sales, and fulfillment are those who live what I’ve deemed the SUPER G’s – gratitude and generosity. They have an attitude of gratitude, keep a gratitude journal, and are quick to express appreciation to others. They also have a giving spirit – whether of their time, resources, or talents. They give generously – sometimes from their pocketbook, sometimes from their time, their pantry, their advice and so on. It’s simply WHO THEY ARE.
Jim Rohn has said, “If you want more than what you’ve got, BECOME more than who you are.”
We can all state what we want more of – whether it be time, a new home, more clients, less weight, a new romantic partner, and so on. I’ve found the best way to manifest anything I want is…
**To be grateful for what I already have…and to be generous with what I already have.**
No matter our circumstance, we can always find something to be thankful for and we can always be generous. We can always BE these attributes…this month and always.
I challenge you to do two things this week: 1) Create a written gratitude list every day. This can take 1 minute and you’ll see how it can shift you immediately. 2) Find some way to make someone else’s day brighter – give a compliment, buy their coffee, or offer to help rake their leaves. Whatever way feels right for you, focus on finding ways to be giving to others.
I love that these two universal success principles are timeless in nature and they work to bring happiness and results to all those who apply them. I believe they are ultimate keys to success – success in happiness, health, business, and in short, LIVING!
Much love & gratitude,

If you want to receive these free training calls – 5 total – go to and opt in on the home page with your name and email. We respect your privacy and will never sell your name or information.
by Tiffany | Oct 7, 2011 | Success Circle
Welcome to Success Circle! I am thrilled that you have decided to join this powerful and supportive community. The purpose of Success Circle is three fold: provide ongoing training and inspiration for your own personal and professional development, create connection for you with other like minded, success oriented people, and to offer support in the form of calls, posts, and forums to nourish and cheer you on in achieving your most important goals.
Who we associate with has a huge influence to our mindset, belief, emotions, and ultimately our results. It is my intention to create a home, a tribe, a community for you where you can come as often as you like to find positive support, resources, and connection.
Welcome to YOUR success community!
Tiffany Peterson
by Tiffany | Aug 15, 2011 | Blog
If you’re in business for yourself, you either have struggled with or are currently struggling with the following two items:
1. Time Management – Managing multiple priorities when running your business.
2. Consistency – Valuable priorities executed on a regular basis versus the RANDOM approach.
When the entire business is on your shoulders, it is easy to be distracted by all there is to get done and stay on top of on a regular basis to create a sufficient cash flow and levels of sustainable success. One of the reasons I see that a business struggles or even has to go out of business is the lack of consistency with the core priorities of what I call the 3 Core Business Building Blocks.
I created a video to help you master your time management and create consistency in your business success. To view this valuable training video, click here:
3 Core Business Building Blocks
When you are setting yourself up for success by mastering the Core 3, you will create momentum, money, and the consistency of business success.
To your success,
Tiffany Peterson is a Sales & Success Expert helping individuals and audiences make money living their passion. For more information and free resources on creating your ideal life and results, visit
by Tiffany | Mar 21, 2011 | Blog
A favorite Zen proverb of mine says, “There are many ways to cross the river. You just have to have both feet in one boat.”
I find this enlightening on many levels and multiple areas of application.
In essence, I read this to say COMMITMENT…commitment to my spiritual path, commitment to my marriage, commitment to my business and it’s success. Commitment to playing life full out.
How often am I/you one foot in and one foot out? Maybe not necessarily physically yet mentally or emotionally?
Do you find yourself entertaining the back door? The real Mr. or Mrs. Right around the corner versus one you’re with? The next multi level marketing company or job opportunity versus the one you’re in?
Look, I’m all about making positive change in my life and encouraging others to do the same. That isn’t the intention today. The intention today is that as long as we are one foot in the boat and one foot out, we will never know the fruit or beauty of that experience or that path. Does that make sense?
We rob ourselves of the very thing we want to create by being on the fence. Sort of in, but not completely. It’s very easy to be afflicted by bright-shiny-itis! I know because it’s been a lesson for me too.
When coaching others with their goals, very often the question of should I stay or should I go as it relates mainly to either a personal relationship or a job/career/business comes up. One foot in and one foot out. Stick it out or make a run for it.
My advice. Get ALL THE WAY IN for 90 Days. Define for yourself what ALL THE WAY IN means to you. In your thoughts. Your language. Your Actions.
If 90 days feels like too much, commit to 30 or 60 days, but the important thing here is to DECIDE and to COMMIT both feet in the boat.
Rather than jump ship again, commit where you are and allow yourself to truly be there for a period of time. The commitment will create movement, clarity, and insights as to your direction. Through this Commitment you will find one of two things:
1 – The Boat You’re Already In Is Right For You ~ and now that you’re committed you’ll results.
2 – You’ll Realize This Isn’t Right For You ~ and now you know that you know that you’ve given you’re very best (which you can only control you anyways) and with that knowledge you will have PEACE to change boats rather than deal with the second guessing plague that comes to those who know they haven’t given something their all.
We all want the RESULTS of a thriving business, successful MLM downline, or a connected, loving relationship. Results follow Decision, Commitment, and Follow Through…
So get in that boat ~ ALL THE WAY IN ~ and I’ll see you on the other side of the bank.
To Your Success,