Podcast: EP 55 New Beginnings

Podcast: EP 55 New Beginnings

It’s time to come alive.


Springtime means I’m planting seeds in my garden and getting ready to grow new life. But I’m also doing the same thing in my business and life. I wanted to offer you a list of questions to get clear on what you want to grow and bloom in this season of your life.

In this episode, I share my thoughts on the power of new beginnings, the way to find what matters to you right now, and how to take action on those intentions.

“We intentionally plant the thoughts, the desires, the habits, the intentions of what we want to create.”

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Show notes:

  • Questions to ask yourself for clarity on what to do next (3:10)
  • How to plant and nourish the seeds you want to grow (10:15)

If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts

Podcast: EP 40 Waiting Is a Dream Stealer

Podcast: EP 40 Waiting Is a Dream Stealer

Let’s go for it.


I’m talking straight to your heart today. It’s time to go for the next step. Take action. The time for waiting on that thing you’ve been wanting to do for so long is over. It’s time to go for it.

I’m celebrating the 1 year anniversary of the podcast and with that, I’m thinking about how grateful I am that I finally launched the show 1 year ago. Truth be told, I had put it off for 2 years, even though I knew I wanted to do it. And now these past 40 episodes are out in the world, because I stopped waiting. And it’s time for you to stop waiting too. Let’s go for it.

Am I willing to take imperfect action to achieve my goals?

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Show notes:

  • How to get yourself to do something you’ve been putting off (3:30)
  • Questions to ask yourself to get clear on your next action step (6:40)
  • The difference between doing and deciding (13:15)
  • How to know when your intuition is talking (15:05)
  • Why resistance shows up before you take big action (19:50)

If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts

Podcast: EP 14 The Power of Intention

Podcast: EP 14 The Power of Intention

It’s a new year, and i’m sharing my favorite goal setting tools.


I hope you enjoyed and celebrated the holidays as much as I did. It was a beautiful gift, and now the new year is here. In this first episode of the year, and Season 2 of the podcast, I am sharing some key tools I use to set and accomplish effective goals.

If you’ve struggled with goal-setting in the past, have a little emotional trauma around accomplishing them, or want to achieve a whole new level of creation this year, I’ve recorded a solo episode just for you. There are three keys to manifesting what you want in life, and I share my best coaching around this intention with you here.

 “Without vision in our lives, we simply repeat what is familiar.”

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show notes

  • Why what we focus on matters so much (2:42)
  • How to think about goal-setting if you have struggled with it in the past (5:02)
  • The first key to creating anything in your life (7:58)
  • An exercise to get clear on your priorities for the year (23:30)
  • The second key to creating anything in your life (24:05)
  • The third key to creating anything in your life (30:37)
  • What to do if you are ready for next-level creation and manifestation (32:30)
  • Resources to help you take your goal setting to the next level (34:27)

links mentioned in this episode

If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts