Podcast: EP 9 The Power of a Morning Ritual

Podcast: EP 9 The Power of a Morning Ritual

I’m sharing one of my favorite habits.


For all the success principles I love to teach, there is one that is incredibly important to me. It’s a morning ritual practice that I’ve been using for years. I’m not perfect at mine, but I’m committed to it, and it has made all the difference in my well-being and success over time.

I recorded a solo episode on this topic to share the essential components of a powerful morning ritual so that you can make your own (or re-visit your current one). I’m a big believer that you are your own best life coach, so take this information in and create what works for you.

Let choice, not chance, be what’s governing the life you are consciously creating.

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show notes

  • The minimum amount of time you should give yourself in the morning (4:24)
  • What it means to invest in the vessel (4:45)
  • The 3 components of a morning ritual (6:45)
  • Why affirmations are powerful ways to start your day (11:01)
  • How visualization prepares you for your best day (12:10)
  • The power of physically moving at the start of your day (14:22)
  • What my morning ritual looks like (16:25)
  • How to remove distractions from your morning (18:50)
  • Why consistency matters over feelings (26:55)
Pay attention to how it makes you feel. Does it inspire you or expire you?

links mentioned in this episode

If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts

Podcast: EP 7 Making Room for the New In Your Life

Podcast: EP 7 Making Room for the New In Your Life

I love fall so much.


It is my favorite season and I am feeling so cozy. I’m spending time thinking about my year (only about 10 weeks left in 2019!) and what I want to let go of before the year ends. I’m a big believer that when we let go of things we don’t need anymore, we create room for what we now need to come in. This episode is where I’m sharing some of my best practices for letting go and making room for what you are ready to receive.

There’s nothing missing in your life. You simply must make room for it.

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show notes

  • One of the most powerful influences on creation (3:12)
  • How to counteract the tendency to focus on what you’re missing (7:20)
  • Things to clean up before the end of the year (9:23)
  • Tips for decluttering your life little by little (13:05)
  • How to know whether to keep something in your life or let it go (18:22)
  • What happens when we hold onto something we no longer need (19:45)
  • How to let go of relationships that have expired (23:50)
  • Why forgiveness is an important part of letting go (26:35)
  • What judgment does to us (34:15)
Even if the hurt isn’t your responsibility, the healing is your responsibility.

links mentioned in this episode

If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts