I’m Retiring My Name…

I’m Retiring My Name…

What I’m about to share with you has been on my heart for quite some time, like 5+ years or so, and it makes me nervous to finally move forward and share this with you as it requires me to leave my familiar, very well known comfort zone yet I’m following my heart, so here goes…

I’m retiring…

my last name…

Most of you have met or known me as Tiffany Peterson.

What a journey it’s been…and I’m so grateful for it all.

And it’s time to release it…actually its wayyyy overdue (again like 5+ years I’ve been thinking about this!!)

Peterson is my formerly married name and while my former spouse and I are on good terms, I’ve felt ready for a while now to let it go.

I had the clear knowing, a spiritual experience, many years ago to change my name…and I didn’t honor it at that time (more to come on that later this week).

And while I’ve faced/facing many fears in releasing the familiar, I KNOW it’s time…

Some might say it is brand or career suicide, with all the content, TEDx talks, hours and hours of TV segments, videos, podcasts, you name it in this name. And it might be. It is a risk to make a major change like this nearly 15 years in on building a name and a brand.

Yet it’s also risky to continue to ignore what my soul feels called to do — you feel me on that too?!

It is time to release it, risks and all…

I’ll be back in your inbox on Sunday morning with the update — my NEW name and the tender spiritual experience I had years back that has guided me on this new choice along with a brand new podcast too.


I just wanted you to have a heads up of what is happening and the news coming live this week…and to also perhaps remind you too to honor what you feel is right for you, even if it totally scares you.

Like I’ve shared recently on Facebook and Instagram (come follow me there if we aren’t already connected), the simple yet sage advice to DO IT SCARED.

Podcast: EP 89 Harmony In the Holidays

Podcast: EP 89 Harmony In the Holidays

I felt inspired to share some tips for the season.


I was invited a couple of weeks ago to share on my local TV station some tips for staying present and mindful during the holiday season. It was a perfect invite because I had already been thinking about this topic for myself, and I loved preparing and sharing some ideas on the show. 

In this episode, I share some of my thoughts from the TV segment, as well as some extra nuggets that have helped me learn to make the most of the holidays, physically, mentally, and emotionally. My hope is that they support you in creating a holiday season that will nourish, inspire, and restore you this year.

“What are the pieces of the holidays that you love? Do more of that.”

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Show notes:

  • How to stay mentally healthy and present during the holiday season (3:16)
  • Why clarity on your desires helps you make good decisions on what to do (6:00)
  • The way that the ‘less is more’ concept actually works (7:05)
  • What self-care can look like during the holidays (10:30)



If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts

Podcast: EP 88 Exploring Love Part 2

Podcast: EP 88 Exploring Love Part 2

We’re sharing more about our dating story.


One of the most requested guests for the podcast this year has been my husband. In this part 2 episode of telling our love story, we answer your questions about how we dated, how we decided to get married, and some things we’ve learned along the way 

In this episode, Brett and I share the stories of how we became the people we are today and how that led us to each other as partners. We broke up this show into two parts so that we could answer more of your questions, so be sure to listen to part 1 as well.

“You are good about staying present and staying in it.”

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Show notes:

  • What values-based dating is (5:45)
  • How we prepared ourselves to date each other (7:20)
  • How abandonment wounds show up in relationships (13:30)
  • Ways we deal with fears in our relationships (22:20)


Links mentioned:


If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts

Podcast: EP 88 Exploring Love Part 2

Podcast: EP 87 Exploring Love Part 1

I want to introduce you to my love.


One of the most requested guests for the podcast this year has been my husband. As I’ve shared our love story, through dating and engagement to our recent wedding, I’ve gotten lots of questions about how we met, what our dating experience was like, and how we made the choice to get married. I invited him onto the show to answer some of your questions and he said yes.

In this episode, Brett and I share the story of us meeting, dating, and making the choices that led us to the partnership we have today. We broke up this show into two parts so that we could answer more of your questions, so be sure to listen to part 2, which will drop soon.

“What I love about our story and what I love about divine timing is that we had the opportunity to become really great friends.”

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Show notes:

  • How my husband and I met (1:50)
  • Why I felt like he was the safe guy when we started dating (13:05)
  • The moment that I realized the relationship was special (15:50)
  • The power of who influences you (19:10)
  • The story of our first date (23:20)
  • How Brett chose to date after his divorce (27:10)
  • The benefits of dating at an older age (30:30)



If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts

Podcast: EP 85 The Gratitude Effect

Podcast: EP 85 The Gratitude Effect

It’s the season of gratitude again.


It’s my 11th year hosting my annual Gratitude and Generosity Series — I’m so excited to invite you to join me again. The power of gratitude has consistently supported me throughout every chapter of my life and I love taking the time each year to revisit the tools and practices I’ve learned to bring more gratitude into my heart.

In this episode, I share how I learned to appreciate and use the power of gratitude in my life and some of my favorite practices that you can use as well to cultivate more gratitude in your life. The power of gratitude is simple but real and I hope you join me this month in bringing its joy into your life. 

“We can practice principles whether we’re in the sunshine or the storm.”

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Show notes:

  • One of the things all humans have in common (1:35)
  • The practice assignment to create more of what you want (4:45)
  • Thought practices to try to improve your thoughts (7:30)
  • Why I started my annual gratitude series 11 years ago (9:27)
  • 5 of my favorite practices to cultivate gratitude regularly (11:40)



If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts