Podcast: EP 8 Protect Your Peace with Trent Shelton

Podcast: EP 8 Protect Your Peace with Trent Shelton

How much do you value your personal peace?


I am bringing you something special from the archives today.

This week’s show features an incredible friend and guest, Trent Shelton, as we share inspiring gems around self worth, gratitude and generosity, and protecting your peace. Trent is a former NFL player, self worth advocate, and has built a massive platform online inspiring others. Trent was a previous guest on my annual free Gratitude Series in 2018 and this conversation was so rich with life gems, that I wanted all of you to have access to it.

You can also join in on my current Gratitude Series program for free by registering at www.GratitudeSeries.com

When you learn to appreciate everything you have, you will realize that you have everything you need.

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show notes 

  • How Trent went from a pro football athlete to a super influential self-worth coach (0:48)
  • Why we all need rehab from something (10:20)
  • How to practice gratitude as a habit (13:55)
  • What to do if you don’t think you are enough (21:45)
  • How to anchor yourself to your worth when you’re in a funk (26:07)
  • What it means to protect your peace (29:56)
  • What Trent has learned about generosity (34:09)
  • What to keep in mind during a challenging time (45:11)

If you want to keep it, give it away.

links mentioned in this episode

follow trent


If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts

Podcast: EP 6 When Dreams Change Course with Chad Hymas

Podcast: EP 6 When Dreams Change Course with Chad Hymas

What happens when your life goes drastically different than you planned?

I am bringing you a very special episode today – a conversation with my dear friend, more like a brother, Chad Hymas.

In 2001, at the age of 27, Chad’s life changed in an instant when a 2,000 pound bale of hay shattered his neck, leaving him a quadriplegic. But Chad’s dreams were not paralyzed that day – he became an example of what is possible.

Chad inspires, motivates, and moves audiences, creating an experience that touches hearts for a lifetime. He is one of the youngest ever to receive the Council of Peers Award for Excellence and to be inducted into the prestigious National Speaker Hall of Fame.

Chad is an incredible perspective check for anyone who is struggling with challenges, has had a devastating loss, or is wondering if their dreams are even possible. I am so grateful for his generous words and heart, and I know you’ll be uplifted through whatever you’re going through after listening to him.

There is more than one way to accomplish a dream.

listen on


show notes 

  • How our dreams and goals can constantly push us to evolve (3:38)
  • What happens when our dreams start to falter (8:20)
  • Why taking ownership of everything in our lives is so important (10:18)
  • Why we must be teachable in order to evolve (13:20)
  • How to think about hard challenges when you’re right in the middle of them (20:27)
  • The power of gratitude for what you have to attract more (24:10)
  • How to help yourself by serving others (28:00)
  • How Chad is learning how to receive support in a current transition (36:10)
Dreams don’t come true with I-optic vision. They come true with We-optic vision.


links mentioned in this episode

follow chad


If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts

Self Care = Success

Self Care = Success

This may sound counter intuitive, but one of my solid, savvy SALES strategies is excellent self care.

And it may sound even more odd to you that in the last two years since I’ve gotten serious about my own self care (which means I’ve also worked LESS time on my biz), I’ve actually experienced more success in business growth and sales income. Yes, it’s true. I’ve worked less and made more money. And had more fun doing it.

Becoming more “selfish” may be the sales advice you need.

Let me sum it up succinctly:

NL-Self LoveSuccess in sales at the foundation is fueled by your degree of self confidence. People like to buy from confident people – it shows leadership. How you feel about yourself (physically, mentally, emotionally) has a direct impact on your self confidence.

So in essence your self care = self confidence = influence on sales success.

Does that make sense?

Plus, when you are fried, burned out, exhausted, always on demand to everyone else’s needs, are you showing up as your best, most positive self?

I doubt it.

See, we’ve been taught that being selfish is bad and being selfless is good.

And while I’m not talking about the extremity of narcissism and only thinking of yourself 24/7. I am asking you to consider that for many of you reading this right now (yes, you!), you’re likely in need of a self care tune up.

Last week in my own study, I read the following from Randy Gage in his new book, “Risky is the New Safe.” It’s worth reading twice…


Isn’t that juicy?!

So I have a few coaching questions & assignments for you to consider to help you increase your self care and increase your sales:

  • Begin your day with even 10 minutes of personal time for just you. Pray, meditate, stretch, read, or journal. Keep the noisy world (cell phones, lap tops) out of your first sacred 10 minutes. Get grounded with you.
  • Take an inventory on a blank piece of paper or inside a journal of, “What makes me happy? or When am I the happiest?” Let it free flow. Pick one to do this week off that list.
  • Create an evening routine that helps you unplug from the world and technology and reconnect to yourself. Take a hot bath, read a book, or drink a warm tea. Put yourself to bed in a nurturing way.
  • Ask yourself this question, “If I were to take 5% more action towards better self care, I would _______” and journal the ideas that come up for you. Pick one habit over the next 30 days to implement regularly.
  • Get outside. Time in nature has proven to be one of the most grounding and healthy habits for one’s mind and body. Whether it’s your back yard or climbing Everest and everything in between, more time in the fresh air will help you.
  • BONUS…indulge yourself every once in awhile. Buy the shoes. Get a pedicure. Play that round of 9 holes. Whatever you usually wait to do until it’s your birthday, surprise yourself with a sweet indulging “Just Because” you exist!

When you are nurturing yourself with awesome self care and priority, you have so much more to give to others…plus you have more joy doing it!

Try this out this next month, okay? And let me know how it goes. I would love to see you increase your self care and your sales this month!

Cheering you on!


Release The Outcome

Release The Outcome

There are lots of things, events, and outcomes we cannot control –
and we can create a lot of drama, struggle, and misery in our lives trying to do so…

A few weeks ago I wrote a lengthy Facebook post (see image below) that contained my own personal aha and awareness for the life event that I was facing – competing in eWomen Network’s North America’s Next Greatest Speaker Contest in Dallas, Texas.

I had been selected as a Top Ten Finalist (thank you for voting for me!!!) amongst over 1,000 applications. Talk about humbled. And talk about the internal pressure that I felt at times to “perform”. I was definitely putting myself out there and even asking others to “judge” me and my heart so the emotions at times were ripe for the learning.

So in my preparing for this experience, early one morning I had this awareness that took my power back from the fear, the perfectionism, the outcome…I can only control how I SHOW UP – and how I choose to experience this or any experience.

In life at times, you will face heartache, struggle, and challenge.
Some times people will lie about you or betray you.
Or politics may win out.
Others may criticize you.
They may say “no” to your offer, services, or product.
Your book might be rejected 144 times before you get a yes.
Your date request denied.
You may not make the honor roll, get the lead in the play, or get into the school of your choice the first time around. Or second. Or third.
You may be passed up for the promotion.
You may not be included.
You might be ignored.
You may not hit the rank you want when you want.
__________ insert your own here.

There are many more scenarios that all lead to the same point:

You can’t control the outcome.
You can only control how you SHOW UP.

How do you choose to SHOW UP regardless of the outcome?

Here is the full post written in it’s own authentic, inspired form:


For me, there is great peace in focusing on the only thing I can always control, influence, or direct in my life: how I show up.

And like I said in my post, I choose to show up and play full out.
My heart on the line.
To give my best and the best service I can, whether they say yes or no.

So that’s the thought to ponder this week…in your life and in your experiences, how will you choose to show up?

There are many things, people, and outcomes we cannot control. We can influence yes, control, no. By muddling with trying to control the outcome, we create our own misery.

Our power, attention, and energy I find is best suited to be focused where the choice is 100% ours – with ourselves and how we choose to play the game of life being served right now.

Release the outcome.
And focus on showing up powerfully present, fully engaged, and loving no matter what.

That’s a life worth living… regardless of the outcome.

With great love & respect for your path,



The Velocity Trap

The Velocity Trap

You set a goal.
You’re thrilled!
You tell all your friends!
You take off strong towards that goal!

And then a little time goes by.
The enthusiasm wanes.
The doubts creep in.
You take your eyes off the goal and take stock of what others are doing. Many of them are further than you! GASP!
You begin questioning.
You look ahead to see your goal beckoning you in the distance.
You know it’s possible, yet is it possible for you?
It’s for sure possible for others doing it.
You can see glimmers, but you want so much more.
You thought that BY NOW you’d be so much further than you are…

So what does all this mean?

When we begin pursuing goals, changes, or growth it often (not always) takes longer than we would like.

Whether that be losing weight, growing your business, writing a book, or increasing your income, time can take longer than we wanted or expected…

For many of you, you’re exactly where you need to be. You just need a little patience and timing to arrive at your destination.

I have the great fortune to coach many people growing their own business – and inevitably the “not fast enough” syndrome hits them all at some point or another. They want more leaders for their downline. They want to get more media attention, Twitter followers, or opt in’s for their list. They want more clients to service. They want more conversations to become actual sales.

The “not fast enough” syndrome is normal.

And it can be exhausting, overwhelming, and costly.

Let me ask you this – if you knew with 100% conviction that your goal was going to happen, yet it was say 30 days or 18 months out, how would you choose to pass the time in getting there?

With peace and confidence?
Or with stress, worry, or second guessing?

I believe strongly that what you claim as yours – your desired dreams and goals – that they in effect are also seeking for you…as Rumi, the great poet has said, “What you’re seeking, is seeking you.”

Yet, I also believe that those dreams will show up sometimes different than imagined or on a different timeline than we may have.

So how can you travel the path of peace to your goals?

Consider these suggestions.

1. Eliminate the comparison game. Oftentimes our struggles come in the awareness of comparing our progress and results to that of others. We may have felt just fine in what we were doing until we hear that someone else has done double the results we have in the same time. In comparing ourselves to others, we take out an eternal measuring stick that can evaluate everything that we’re not doing, achieving, or excelling at. Drop the comparison meter and refocus on the positive things that you are doing in your own life.


2. Daily Meditation. I find that when I’m connected to myself, that inner awareness – some call it their intuition, their heart, or the Holy Spirit – whatever you call it, when you’re connected to it, there is a greater sense of peace and purpose to your life. I find that many insights, ideas, or actions to take will come to me in my meditation that is exactly what I need to learn or do next in the path of achieving my goals. Do you have daily or even weekly quiet time? A meditation practice? Journaling? Time in nature? By getting quiet and centered we will find the answers we seek.


3. Reward yourself along the way. This is SERIOUS friends! Pay attention to the power of celebration of your progress and milestones. Two years ago I began coaching a lovely woman in a direct sales business. Upon hiring me, she was one level away from the very top rank level in her company and her goal was to become a top level leader. In our first coaching session, I asked if she had ever celebrated herself for achieving the milestone (which was incredible) that she had already ascended to which she replied, “no.” Her first assignment: celebrate herself and her current achievement. She did so and it became a habit to begin acknowledging her progress along the way. Within 45 days or less, she achieved the top rank within her business and now has a network marketing business with around 100,000 distributors in her organization. Consider this, if you’re always waiting to be “perfect” or at the self created finish line for your goal to reward yourself, you may never get there. Rewarding yourself, acknowledging your progress is POTENT FUEL for the path of achievement. I invite you to do something this week to celebrate the milestones you’ve already achieved. I’d love to hear how this goes for you.

Have faith in yourself and in your goals.
Quit comparing your life to others.
Take time to get quiet and centered on a regular basis.
Reward your milestones.

A little patience goes a long way.

You’ve got this fellow traveler.
