by Tiffany | Sep 8, 2010 | Blog
I love the change of seasons. I don’t know where you live, but here in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, the seasons are in transition from summer to the beginning of autumn. You can feel the temperatures cool off and you can feel a change in the air that change is upon us. I love what Price Pritchett has so eloquently stated, “Change comes bearing gifts…â€
With every new season is the reminder that we too can focus on changing and creating a new season and a new experience for our lives. As fall is upon us (or whatever season you’re heading into now), I’d like you to consider the following thought and question to support you in creating your best life NOW….
Who would you like to become and what would you like to achieve in the 4th Quarter of 2010?
Rather than wait until the New Year – 2011 – is upon us and we are setting goals, plans, and resolutions, let’s get focused on the season we are in and create powerful changes now, for this is the moment that we have…
So my challenge to you is this: how do you want to start 2011? What do you want to focus on becoming and achieving NOW in 4th Quarter 2010 so as you begin 2011 you are already creating and becoming the success you want now?
Create a focus or goal for the following areas to achieve, experience, or become in this season:
-      Health & Fitness – What kind of energy do you want to begin 2011 with?
-      Relationships – Personally or professionally, what do you want to see grow and transpire?
-      Career & Business – What one project completed could rocket your career or business to the next level?
-      Home Life – Is your home peaceful for you? What simple things can you do to create more peace in your home?
-      Organization – Spaces such as office, home, car, filing, time, etc. Are you organized? Implement the 15 minute rule to         address areas throughout the week.
-      Financial – What is your 4th Quarter financial goal? If you don’t have one, get one!
-      Fun & Recreation – Create a “Joy List†where you outline the various activities that bring you joy and happiness and           then do 3 things off that list every week. More joy = greater ability to attract what you want AND joy is something we can        do for ourselves every day.
-      The Holidays – if applicable to you, get clear now on what experiences you want to create with friends and family and          then treat this like any other goal that you make plans, affirmations, and intentions for. It’s amazing what you can create        when you are clear!
I wish you an amazing 4th Quarter focus! Continue to ask yourself the questions, ponder, and get clear about what you want to achieve in this season for your life and goals. Enjoy!!
If you would like help to get clear on your goals and get into action, join me for a one-day Success Strategies Workshop on September 24th. This is a high energy, action packed day! Enter discount code “friend” for a $20.00 savings. For more information visit
Tiffany Walke Peterson is a Success Expert, Speaker, and Coach, focused on inspiring individuals and organizations in creating lasting change and stellar results by applying proven success strategies and systems. To learn more about Tiffany and her programs, visit
by Tiffany | Aug 30, 2010 | Blog
“The Universe doesn’t pay you for what you know – it pays you for what you Do.” – Jack Canfield (
When it comes to achieving your goals and getting more done, the important piece is to get into ACTION and to do so on a consistent basis. Many of my coaching clients or workshop participants want to achieve more in their lives and results, yet struggle to balance their time or find the time to work on such goals or projects. Can you relate?
I’m going to share with you one of my “secret sauce” success strategies that will help you get into action on a regular, consistent basis….it’s called,
The 15 Minute Rule.
Many people get themselves stuck thinking they don’t have enough time to work on their goals or projects they desire. Take exercise for example: Many people already know the value of exercise, yet the struggle is in the doing of the exercise. You may be stuck in this area or goal because you’re thinking that you need a full hour to go to the gym and so you often don’t do it because that is a big chunk of time for a busy person. Or it seems overwhelming because exercise may not be your habit and overwhelm always equals procrastination. Overwhelm = procrastination. Can  you relate? Let’s take a look at two other popular examples. Let’s say you know you need to organize that home office, that closet, or that disastrous garage. You’re thinking you need a full Saturday to really get this project going, yet there is never enough time. Or because it is so disorganized, you procrastinate it or avoid it because it feels like “yuck” so you find something else to busy your time. And finally, let’s say you have a goal to write a book or work on a new business plan. Yet you keep waiting for the perfect serene environment to get into that creative space to write or work on it. And again, it rarely comes.
So here’s the magic wand ~ get into action for only 15 minutes. That’s it. If you’re not exercising, commit to exercise three times this week for 15 minutes. Take a walk around your neighborhood or do a series of sit ups, push ups, or stretching for 15 minutes. How will you feel after you take the action? Like a million bucks. Or at least better than you do right now just thinking about it.
When it comes to organizing that garage, home office, or closet, set a timer for 15 minutes and begin it. You’ll be blown away at how much you get done in a concentrated 15 minutes. Most importantly, you’ll have the win AND momentum on your side; therefore, you’re into action and seeing and feeling results.
Instead of waiting for the perfect environment or space to write that book or complete that project, commit to working it for 15 minutes a day. Again, the consistency of establishing this new 15 minute rule habit will change your results. I promise. Success is a habit and when you’re establishing a new habit such as exercise, organizing, or working on a new goal, the key ingredient is to get into action on that consistent basis. It never matters how much time, it matters that you have the habit.
So change the way you look at time from one hour blocks to 15 minute increments. This is doable. This feels good. You’ll surprise yourself how easy it is and you’ll love the improved momentum and ease at which you’re achieving your most important priorities.
Want more? Last week I was featured on a popular television program in my local market. Take a peek at how I shared tips and ideas on this very thing. Enjoy!
To your success friends!!
Your Success Coach,
by Tiffany | Aug 2, 2010 | Blog
Today is the 1 year anniversary of me moving into my current home.
The home is delightful and I really enjoy being in this space. It’s a great home, an old Cape Cod, traditional looking home built in 1928. It’s got the charm and character of an older home with some great updates and remodels on the inside to accomodate more modern times.
The home is great, no doubt about it. Even cooler than the home is one angle of what this home represents to me. I first saw this home in May of 2009. Within 5 days, I saw it a second time. The next day as I sat outside, I put in writing my very clear and specific desire to live in this home. To exactness I wrote, “I am loving living in my new home at (exact address) by August 1st, 2009 and I am thrilled at the negotiated sales price or something better.” I wrote and rewrote with EMOTION this affirmation.
And guess when I moved in and began sleeping here in this home? Yes, August 1st, 2009. 🙂
Now, the real juicy stuff is what happened between May 2009 and August 1st, 2009…here’s the condensed version:
I put the affirmation in writing and then wrote a letter to the sellers of the property sharing with them my vision of this home…pumpkins on the porch in the fall, wreaths in the windows in the winter, pancake breakfasts on Saturday morning…as well as my sincere desire and respect for this home. An offer was submitted with this letter. Conteroffers ensued. The deal dropped. A week later they dropped the price again and a new offer and counteroffers began. Another party entered in and offered them close to $20,000 MORE than my offer. And I prayed, hope, visualized, and yes, even surrendered that something better may be in store and that this home may not work out. In other words low attachment to the outcome…as best as I could. 🙂 My husband tells me I would of robbed a bank to get what I want…however, I didn’t have to go that far as they chose us and our offer! They felt like they wanted to sell it to me/us….wow, I’m sure glad I shared my vision with them too!
So as I reflect on this great day of the reminder of having clear intentions, clear desires, and those intentions/desires put in writing and reviewed, I am inspired to think and to share with you…where will you be a year from today? What do you want to achieve next? This month? This year? Next year? Where will you be living? Working? Sharing life with? The beauty is that by you getting clear on what you want to happen significantly shapes it actually happening!! Now, do we always get what we want? Not always. But we never get more than we expect!! So go on, think about what you want. Get clear. Write it down. Put your heart into it and feel it.
And then celebrate when you see the magic happens.
by Tiffany | Jul 30, 2010 | Blog
When we face and embrace change – whether positive or negative – it is normal to have feelings of discomfort, fear, and doubts show up as part of the change process. This is normal. It is healthy. Expect it. And yes, even when it is positive change that you’re wanting to create. It’s still change and because of that, it’s normal to feel uncomfortable when you are leaving your comfort zone.
Consider a famous story/lesson in the Old Testament in The Holy Bible. You don’t have to be Jewish or Christian to understand the universal lesson demonstrated there by a man named Moses and a people named the Israelites. The Israelites are in bondage for 40 years – FORTY YEARS – of struggle, suffering, and intense challenge by a hard hearted Pharaoh. Moses pleads with God for their freedom, knowing that a “promised land” awaits them as promised by God. After years and years of famines and the like, Pharaoh finally grants the Israelites their request and allows them to leave Egypt and pursue their freedom. Could you imagine how happy they felt? Relief right? Complete JOY? Their hearts desire that they’ve prayed for, slaved for, and wished time and time again for is now finally happening….and then what happens? They don’t get very far in their “journey” to their “promised land” before the fear and doubt kicks in and the Israelites begin complaining and entertaining this doubt by looking backwards towards their old home, Egypt. The very place that has kept them in bondage for FORTY YEARS, they are now wishing and expressing their desire to return to that same place. Is that crazy or what? I’ll tell you what it is: COMMON.
When you leave what is familiar to you (commonly called your comfort zone), it is normal to feel scared. To question. To have doubts and to even perhaps desire to return to that familiar place because it’s just that: familiar.
When you are pursuing your goals and dreams, your very best life, your promised land, you will encounter feelings and sometimes fears and doubts about your path and your journey. This is normal. It is not a “sign” that you need to abandon the path or give up. It simply means that you’re human too and that you’re changing and moving towards a better life for yourself.
You’re worth it. You deserve better. You will get through the uncomfortable spots and come out on top. I promise.
Tiffany Walke Peterson –
by Tiffany | Apr 20, 2010 | Blog
In one of my keynotes and in my personal coaching, I find it interesting the degree of enlightenment that takes place in simply reminding others of the power of ASKING for what you want….although it seems simple, it can be a key piece in getting what you want in your life, your business, and your relationships. And ironically, it is often left out of the success formula. Statistics report that over 60% of the time, a salesperson doesn’t ASK for the sale! Can you believe that? All that time spent presenting and courting and the like with the prospect, and yet, leaving out the key ingredient – ASKING for the sale or the business! That’s like hosting Thanksgiving dinner and forgetting the turkey.
Let’s explore this…
In Jack Canfield’s book, “The Success Principles”, (see he titles one of his principles, “ASK, ASK, ASK”…quoting Percy Ross, “You’ve got to ask. Asking is, in my opinion, the world’s most powerful and neglected secret to success and happiness.” I endorse this statement 108%! Yes that much! I agree that it is the most powerful and NEGLECTED secret to your success!
So why don’t we ask? If it’s that easy, what holds us back?
The same answer to every roadblock of our success: FEAR!!
Fear that we will get a no to the request, although ironcially we get a no anyways by not asking. The fear that we might look dumb or needy or desparate or so “not cool” if we approach our partner, a friend, our boss, a prospect, a potential date with a request. Yet if we don’t ask, we have no way to get the thing we want…
So take good courage today my friends, and begin asking for what you want. Ask for that sale. Ask for that date. Ask for that meeting or opportunity. Go for it! If they tell you “no”, you will live. Just keep on ASKING – at some point, you will get a YES!
The famous Colonal Sanders of KFC – Kentucky Fried Chicken was in his 60’s when someone finally said YES to his chicken recipe and began the great franchise of KFC. Do you know how many times he was told no to his request, to his idea, to his DREAM? Over 1,000 times!! Now that’s persistence!
One of my coaching clients recently shared with me a valuable mindset and idea – he said that when he was a financial planner he would ask anyone and everyone for their business. When he got a no/I’m not interested/I’m covered, thanks, he simply then asked for the referral, “Do you know anyone who would be interested in financial planning services?” And you know what? Often they passed along a referral! All because he ASKED for it!
Make peace in your mind that when you’re told no, it doesn’t need to be taken personally, you’re not worse off – you’re actually the same, and someone, somewhere will say YES….so keep on asking and watch amazing results transpire in your life, your sales, your bank account, your happiness. By all means, you’re worth it so ASK FOR IT!
Do you want to become a MASTER ASKER? Join me MAY 1st, 2010 to learn and apply the skill!
CREATE a great day!
Tiffany –