My Goals Inventory
ach year around this time, I take a personal inventory of my annual goals. I find it’s a great time to acknowledge what’s working well and then explore what I’d like to change or work towards for the rest of the year.
I’d like to share a few coaching questions that can help you do the same thing.
First of all, think back over the last six months and identify what are your wins and victories?
- Personally? Did you improve a skill, get organized, or commit to a morning ritual?
- Professionally? Have you created a new product, updated your website, or taken a class to improve your sales skills?
- Financially? Have you increased your income? Improved your close rate? Paid off debt or saved more income?
- Health & Fitness? Have you done more green juicing or taken up running? Are you getting more rest at night or tried a new meditation practice?
- Relationships? Have you invested more in your network or your spouse? Have you completed a relationship that was draining you? Perhaps you’ve worked on your listening skills or committed to date night?
- Fun? Have you had some fun? Tried a new hobby or made new friends?
It’s so very easy in the conversation to immediately think of all things we either haven’t achieved yet or where we are missing the mark. I always encourage our minds to first focus on our many wins and victories before launching into setting new goals.
Remember, it’s always about PROGRESS, not perfection anyways.
I find that by beginning a goal inventory with the positive, I’ve deposited powerful fuel to inspire me to create more of what I want!
Now that we’ve acknowledge the positive, consider what you would like to achieve for the rest of 2013.
What would you like to experience more of in your life?
- Business?
- Finances?
- Relationships?
- Health?
- Fun?
What one major professional goal achieved would launch you to the next level?
What one, simple, yet repetitive action will be your health focus? (juicing, rest, meditation, exercise)
What emotion do you want to feel on a more regular basis? (peace, aliveness, innovative, creative, etc).
What one distraction in your life or in your time do you need to reduce or eliminate to help you achieve your goals?
By answering these questions and doing an inventory of our lives, results, and desires, we become aware of what we want to consciously create in our lives and results.
I invite you this week or weekend to take an hour of personal time to reflect, journal, and/or meditate to become clear on what matters most to you and the desired changes that you want to implement.
Awareness, clarity, and decisions are the bedrock of creating an exceptional life!
Cheering you on!