Podcast: EP 86 How to Be Loving with Danielle LaPorte
I’m back with danielle and we’re talking about gentleness.
I met Danielle years ago when we were both in younger chapters of our careers and lives. It’s been a joy to watch her evolve as I’ve evolved, and I was so excited to hear her wisdom on this episode when we met to talk about her newest book.
Danielle LaPorte is a member of Oprah’s Super Soul 100, a group who, in Oprah Winfrey’s words, “is uniquely connecting the world together with a spiritual energy that matters.” She is the creator of The Desire Map series, “A heart centered approach to finding your true power”. The book has been translated into ten languages, a day planner system, a multimedia course, a Top 10 iTunes app, and workshop and coaching programs with leaders in 15+ countries. She’s also the author of more books including her newest one, How to Be Loving. She and her team coach hundreds of leaders around the world.
In this episode, Danielle shares her journey of learning to be gentle, loving, and healing to herself, and why this is essential for your life, health, and business success.
“Everything you want is on the other side of gentle.”
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show notes
- What has changed for Danielle since her early days in business (3:05)
- What it means to abandon yourself (4:40)
- The shift that happened inside her to move towards gentleness (6:55)
- How to discern whether you are abandoning yourself with an action (13:03)
- The difference between the golden child, the needy child, and the inner child (16:25)
- Why we are all healers of ourselves (22:00)
- Our natural state of forgiveness (27:20)
- What it means to be open-hearted (42:00)
links mentioned in this episode
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