Podcast: EP 36 Dream Bigger

Podcast: EP 36 Dream Bigger

It’s a new season and it’s time to dream.


I have loved this summer, playing my heart out, and soaking in the sun. But even though I don’t want it to end, I’m so excited about a new season and the surge of creativity coming with it. To kick off a new season of the podcast, I’m inviting you to dream big with me — and I’m sharing 5 questions to ask yourself to build dreams that will take you where you really want to go.

“Perfectionism is a dream stealer.”

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Podcast: EP 25 Transform Your Life with Justin Michael Williams

Podcast: EP 25 Transform Your Life with Justin Michael Williams

Are you ready to come home to yourself?


I’ve got a real treat for you today on the podcast. My friend Justin is teaching us about self-love, meditation, and coming home to ourselves.

Justin Michael Williams works at the intersection of social justice, mindfulness, and personal growth—with a touch of music that brings it all to life. 

With over a decade of teaching experience, Justin has become a pioneering voice of color for the new healing movement—between his podcast, keynotes, and motivational online platforms, Justin’s teachings have now spread to more than 40 countries around the globe.

Justin is dedicated to using his voice to serve. To being a beacon of hope for those who are lost, and to making sure all people, of all backgrounds, have access to the information they need to change their lives.

This conversation is rich with love, calm, peace, and a call to slow down, surrender, and then show up for these lives we get to live.

“There is nothing separating me from the divine. It is within me.”

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show notes

    • How you can have everything materially and still not feel fulfilled (5:21)
    • Justin’s self-love journey and process of coming home to himself (8:27)
    • Ways to be kind to yourself during the Covid-19 quarantine (13:37)
    • Easy ways to use meditation to come home to yourself (17:38)
    • A short practice in the style of meditation Justin teaches (21:34)
    • Why Justin wrote this book on meditation (28:45)
    • How to practice surrender right now (34:42)

links mentioned in this episode

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Podcast: EP 24 Mind Movies + Manifesting with Natalie Ledwell

Podcast: EP 24 Mind Movies + Manifesting with Natalie Ledwell

What is your vision for your future?


One of my favorite ways to manifest what I want is to envision it. I know from personal experience that this is so powerful. So I was very excited to record a conversation with my dear friend Natalie about the most effective ways to do this.

Natalie Ledwell, author of the bestselling book, Never in Your Wildest Dreams, host of The Inspiration Show and Co-founder of Mind Movies, never imagined where she’d end up.

Raised in rural Australia in a family of 8, she knew that she was destined for something bigger, that she wanted more from her life and to help others find the same, but had no idea how to reach her goals.

Fast forward to today and Natalie and her incredible team at Mind Movies have empowered over 5.8 million people around the world to see beyond their own circumstances, to break down the boundaries real or perceived in their lives… and truly begin to find the lives and success they deserve.

In this conversation, Natalie and I discuss how to shift into this mindset, why everything is going to work out, and the power of creating mind movies in your manifestation process.

“I have this expectation that everything will always work out fine, and if it doesn’t show up exactly the way I think it’s going to, I know that what does show up is always in my highest good.

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show notes

  • Natalie’s story of launching her most successful business through the law of attraction (2:30)
  • What happened to convince Natalie that the law of attraction is real (11:42)
  • How to cultivate a belief that things are always working in your highest good (15:26)
  • Why surrender is so powerful in manifestation (18:35)
  • Why focusing on your being versus your doing is so important (21:40)
  • Ways to get centered and in the zone when visioning (34:40)

links mentioned in this episode

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Podcast: EP 1 The Power of Imperfect Action

Podcast: EP 1 The Power of Imperfect Action

Welcome to my new podcast!


I have been thinking of launching a podcast for a couple of years. It’s finally happening. Here’s what I want you to know: 

A lot can happen with a simple spark. Sometimes that’s an idea, a creative insight, maybe a new relationship, or a relationship renewed. Or perhaps that mindset shift that changes the game for you. If you’re like me, you love to learn, grow, and implement true key success principles to help you take your life and business to the next level. So from life coaching to business growth, with a whole lot of soul in between, I’m thrilled that you’re here, and I’m excited to share these conversations with you.

In this first episode, I share one of the biggest tools I’ve used to accomplish my big goals – taking imperfect action.

Feelings aren’t facts. They’re feedback.

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show notes

  • The need for action to achieve your goal (1:52)
  • What gets in our way of taking action (2:24)
  • What happens if we wait for perfection (4:46)
  • The million dollar question to ask yourself (7:39)
  • What a “doing” action is (10:25)
Talent isn’t what creates success. It’s action.

If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts