by Tiffany | Dec 15, 2010 | Blog
Two weeks ago I had the reoccuring inner nudge that sounded like this: “I want to get in my pajamas and watch a movie. Snuggle up. Rest. Enjoy this season.” Of which my logical, RESPONSIBLE mind, said, “I can’t do that. It’s 3:00 in the afternoon and I have STUFF to do. Lots of work and catch up. Maybe later in the month.”
The INNER NUDGE for this request came three times within three days.
Although that inner kid or my highest self – whichever you call it – said YES, my logical mind or  the JUDGE as I call that voice said no. Too irresponsible. Stuff to do. I can rest later in the month. And so on.
So what happened? About a week later (last week) I started developing a sore throat and a nasty cold. And then guess what happened? I had to rest. And I ended up in my pajamas and watching movies. 🙂
Wouldn’t it have been easier for me to trust my INNER NUDGES (intuition) and simply honored what my body was saying I needed in the first place?
Yes, of course. I am reminded once again to trust and have faith in my inner nudges, knowing that resting and playing and JOY are the keys to success and achievement. To trust, versus deny, my inner nudges, promptings, and impressions even if they don’t make “sense”.
What is your INNER NUDGE telling you to do?
Tiffany Walke Peterson is a Success Expert, Speaker, and Coach, focused on inspiring individuals and organizations in creating lasting change and stellar results by applying proven success principles, strategies and systems. To learn more about Tiffany and her programs, visit
by Tiffany | Dec 6, 2010 | Blog
We get what we focus on.
Seek and ye shall find.
What we think about, we bring about.
However you want to say it, the same TRUTH is at play here. Our minds are powerful creation machines. Whatever you plug into it on a consistent basis, it will continue to manufacture more thoughts, feelings, and results that mirror those thoughts. In other words, what we give our attention to gets bigger or expands in our lives and produces results right in alignment with the directions the mind has given out.
The great news is this: we can choose the thoughts we think. I’m not saying every random thought that ever crosses our mind, yet rather become clear about what you do want to think about, focus on, and expand in your life, your relationships, your bank account, and your body.
Think of a current challenge you’re facing ~ it may be brand new or an oldie of several years. Got one? Just pick one for this exercise sake. 🙂
Now, consider the last few days, weeks, or months. When you tend to “think” about this challenge are you more often thinking and feeling positively or negatively? Likely negative odds say.
Now that we are once again AWARE we can choose our thoughts, choose a thought that comes from your problem solver, your high self, your best you. Put that chosen thought down in writing of how you choose to “think” about (and make bigger in your life) this very challenge or perhaps now, opportunity you’re facing. For example, “I am capable. I am creating peace and harmony in my body. I am learning to trust myself with money. I am following through on my organization. I am choosing to respond to all challenges in a calm manner.”
We all get what we focus on. So choose in your favor and focus on the good things you already have and want to experience more of in your life. “Thoughts Become Things” ~ Mike Dooley. If you want different “things”, think different thoughts.
Bless you!
Tiffany Walke Peterson is a Success Expert, Speaker, and Coach, focused on inspiring individuals and organizations in creating lasting change and stellar results by applying proven success principles, strategies and systems. To learn more about Tiffany and her programs, visit
by Tiffany | Nov 3, 2010 | Blog
Years ago one of my personal coaches invited me to make a “happy list.” This list would entail the various activities that would increase my own personal happiness. It was a brilliant idea and one that I implemented at the time. Some time after this coaching session, another mentor shared making a list titled, “25 things I love to do that don’t cost money.” I loved this one too. Things like baking cookies, bubblebaths, organizing, making cards, reading, doing a mani/pedi at home, all showed up on the list and it is still in my dayplanner for a quick reference.
Lately in coaching my own clients, I have been assigning them to create a JOY list for themselves and then depending on where their current happiness, self esteem, and success is at, I’ll assign them to do anywhere from 3 things a week to one every day off that list. The results are powerful.
See, here is a truth I’ve learned and relearn all the time: EVERYTHING IS ENERGY.
The more that you feel joyful and hopeful and optimistic and fulfilled in life, the more you’re willing to go for in life, you stay in the positive game, you attract other people, resources, and opportunities to you all because your energy level is so delicious to other people. If you want to be more successful, focus on getting more JOY into your life on a daily and weekly basis. Isn’t that the point of living anyways?!
My other fanfare with the JOY list is that it puts your own happiness and fulfillment where it should be: in your hands. We can often get tripped up waiting for someone or something to come along and bring us joy or happiness versus creating it for ourselves. The more we are joyful ourselves the more others want to play with us anyways. Now, that’s worth thinking about.

enJOY your day!
Tiffany Walke Peterson is a Success Expert, Speaker, and Coach, focused on inspiring individuals and organizations in creating lasting change and stellar results by applying proven success strategies and systems. To learn more about Tiffany and her programs, visit
by Tiffany | Oct 29, 2010 | hour of power
Do you have a morning ritual? I mean we all do to some degree, but I’m more interested in if you have a “consciously creating my morning/day ritual” in place?
The Beginning Is The End.
Let me explain – the way we BEGIN the day creates the entire tone of the day and therefore; to some degree is the END. Make sense? You’ve likely heard the famous thought or idea, “Begin With The End In Mind” by Stephen R. Covey of the popular book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. With this concept, it is supporting the principle that all things are created twice – once mentally or spiritually and second, physically. As we imagine and/or plan out the end results of our days, our odds of achieving those results increase significantly. When you are clear with what you want to achieve and experience, you then use this clarity as your LIGHTHOUSE to guide your actions and priorities throughout the day. Now, you can apply this to any goal or on a smaller scale, to any day.
I’ve been challenging all of my coaching clients to create a morning ritual. Conscious Creation. That they begin their day with what is often called, “Hour of Power” – which denotes 20 minutes to physical such as exercise, 20 minutes to spiritual such as reading, meditating, prayer, gratitude etc, and 20 minutes to mental/intellectual development such as reading, listening or reviewing goals or visualizing. I’m not telling my clients what has to be there – I’m just challenging them to create a conscious ritual of how they choose to start the day versus just rolling out of bed and going with whatever the mood of the moment or child in their space is demanding. This requires a little bit of planning and a little bit of follow through. (Okay, maybe a lot of follow through, but the point is to start this powerful new habit). It doesn’t even have to be an hour. It could be taking the first 10 minutes upon waking to journal gratitude thoughts for 2 minutes, reviewing goals for 5 minutes, and connecting to Source through prayer or meditation for 3 minutes. The point is – the Beginning is the End – so I challenge YOU – yes, you, the one reading this blog, to decide/get clear on what you choose your morning ritual to be and therefore, you’re choosing to a large degree what your entire day will be. And as we choose our days, we also choose the weeks, months, years, and the LIVES we want to be consciously creating and experiencing.
What is your morning ritual? What will it be beginning tomorrow?
If you have ideas that are working for you, please share it here in the comments ~ thank you!!
by Tiffany | Sep 28, 2010 | Blog
Do you want to get more done? Make faster progress on your goals? See tangible results in your life?
It’s been wisely said that, “Accountability, not Ability, determines your Results.â€
Do you have ACCOUNTABILITY for your goals established in your life?
This is today’s million dollar question.
If you answered “no,†this one major factor could be what is holding you back from the million dollar lifestyle ~ million dollar relationships, million dollar health, million dollar career path or business, or literally a million dollar bank account.
Without accountability, you fall prey to the number one issue derailing your action taking with your goals: allowing your moods or emotions to determine your follow through.
When I ask if you have accountability in your life, I’m asking if you have a coach, an accountability partner, and/or a mastermind group structured into your life?
The value of having coaches in my life has been a game changer to my results. When you have accountability from positive coaches, partners or mastermind groups in your life they do three critical things for you and your results:
1.  They know of your goals and cheer you on in going for them
2.  They hold you accountable to pursuing action items that achieve these goals
3.  They stretch you farther than you will push yourself to achieve your goals and dreams faster while also helping you work through the challenges and obstacles of growth.
This support in your life is invaluable!
Accountability = Action and Action = Results
See, without accountability in our lives, we let ourselves off the hook. We procrastinate. We let fear or doubt or distractions take us off path. And the biggest factor in my experiences, is we allow our moods or emotions determine our follow through. We go to the gym if we “feel like it†or we don’t go because “we’re too tired.†We complete the sales calls or book proposal if it’s “convenient†versus critical to the next steps of our progress.
This doesn’t mean something is wrong with you or that you’re not motivated: it means that you’re human.
“Accountability, not ability, determines our results.â€
The issue isn’t your ability or if you’re smart enough. Or if you could just be more organized or whatever the block is in your life. With a coach and accountability in your life you will get more done, more often, and in faster time than going this path of achievement on your own.
You deserve a million dollar lifestyle in your relationships, your health, your career, and yes, your bank account. If you’re serious about having this lifestyle, get a coach or an accountability partner or team in your life as soon as possible. Don’t delay. Don’t procrastinate. Take action on this advice today. You may be thinking, “once I get ahead financially or I’m less busy, then I’ll get a coach†with the irony that likely to help you get ahead financially or less busy and more balanced with your time will happen once you hire the coach or set up your accountability partner.
As Jim Rohn has brilliantly said, “If you want more than what you’ve got, you must become more than who you are.†Work on you, develop you, and invest in you to create the results you want.
You’re worth it!
To Your Success,
Tiffany Walke Peterson is a Success Expert, Speaker, and Coach, focused on inspiring individuals and organizations in creating lasting change and stellar results by applying proven success strategies and systems. To learn more about Tiffany and her programs, visit