Podcast: EP 24 Mind Movies + Manifesting with Natalie Ledwell

Podcast: EP 24 Mind Movies + Manifesting with Natalie Ledwell

What is your vision for your future?


One of my favorite ways to manifest what I want is to envision it. I know from personal experience that this is so powerful. So I was very excited to record a conversation with my dear friend Natalie about the most effective ways to do this.

Natalie Ledwell, author of the bestselling book, Never in Your Wildest Dreams, host of The Inspiration Show and Co-founder of Mind Movies, never imagined where she’d end up.

Raised in rural Australia in a family of 8, she knew that she was destined for something bigger, that she wanted more from her life and to help others find the same, but had no idea how to reach her goals.

Fast forward to today and Natalie and her incredible team at Mind Movies have empowered over 5.8 million people around the world to see beyond their own circumstances, to break down the boundaries real or perceived in their lives… and truly begin to find the lives and success they deserve.

In this conversation, Natalie and I discuss how to shift into this mindset, why everything is going to work out, and the power of creating mind movies in your manifestation process.

“I have this expectation that everything will always work out fine, and if it doesn’t show up exactly the way I think it’s going to, I know that what does show up is always in my highest good.

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show notes

  • Natalie’s story of launching her most successful business through the law of attraction (2:30)
  • What happened to convince Natalie that the law of attraction is real (11:42)
  • How to cultivate a belief that things are always working in your highest good (15:26)
  • Why surrender is so powerful in manifestation (18:35)
  • Why focusing on your being versus your doing is so important (21:40)
  • Ways to get centered and in the zone when visioning (34:40)

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Podcast: EP 22 Fear to Freedom with Henry Ammar

Podcast: EP 22 Fear to Freedom with Henry Ammar

It’s miracle season.


I got to sit down in my house and record an episode for the podcast with one of my dearest friends, Henry. You’re in for some power-packed perspective shifts in this conversation.

Henry Ammar is an International Life Speaker and Entrepreneur who hosts the Top 10 Podcast, “Making It Happen with Henry Ammar.” As a keynote speaker and empowerment coach published in Forbes, he has positively impacted people across the globe, speaking to audiences as big as 40,000+ people at a time.

In his professional career, Henry began in music and has performed on a Grammy Award-winning album and traveled the world sharing the stage with legends. He is now an empowerment coach to pop culture celebrities and influencers. He is also the Personal Development Director and US Representative to the Exit Festival (Best Major European Music Festival for the past 3 years).

One of my favorite things to talk to Henry about is how to shift from fear into freedom. He has been focused on this specific process for years, and in this episode he shares some of his best wisdom. Whether you are looking for freedom in relationship, work, health, finances, or anywhere in your life, this conversation is for you.

Fear and faith are both imagined futures.

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show notes

  • How to discern fear from intuition (4:20)
  • The 4 criteria to go after what we want (6:05)
  • The biggest fear most humans are facing (9:05)
  • How to re-frame rejection (12:00)
  • Why decision is such a powerful tool for everyone (15:45)
  • What fear and faith have in common (21:51)
  • Tools to reprogram your fear into faith (22:53)
  • How to understand what other people say about you (31:02)
Truth and love are what set us free.

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Podcast: EP 17 Love, Healing, and Desire Mapping with Danielle LaPorte

Podcast: EP 17 Love, Healing, and Desire Mapping with Danielle LaPorte

One of the lady legends is here today.


I love this woman. She has been inspiring me for years. Her books, words, posts, and teachings have been a light to me.

Yes, I’m talking about THE Danielle LaPorte. You’ve likely heard of her Desire Map or Fire Starter Sessions. But if you’re just being introduced to Danielle, here’s what to get excited about.

Danielle LaPorte is a member of Oprah’s Super Soul 100, a group who, in Oprah Winfrey’s words, “is uniquely connecting the world together with a spiritual energy that matters.”

She is the creator of The Desire Map series, “A heart centered approach to finding your true power”. The book has been translated into ten languages, a day planner system, a multimedia course, a Top 10 iTunes app, and workshop and coaching programs with leaders in 15+ countries. She’s also the author of White Hot Truth: Clarity for keeping it real on your spiritual path, and The Fire Starter Sessions: A guide to creating success on your own terms, which also spun off into a coaching curriculum.

I was so thrilled to record this episode, I asked her as many questions as I could fit in, from how she handles vulnerability to dating to owning her voice and more. I know you’ll feel stronger and clearer after listening to this special conversation.

The mechanism for everything we want is devotion.

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show notes

  • Why you shouldn’t “play it cool” (2:47)
  • How Danielle transitioned her faith from organized religion to her life’s purpose (6:05)
  • Where the desire map idea came from and why it’s so important  (10:04)
  • How to connect to your divine feminine and those core feelings (15:50)
  • How to let go of betrayal and heal (18:40)
  • How to navigate the vulnerability of owning your work and your voice (22:25)
  • The truth about self-love and when it’s powerful (26:50)
  • What Danielle is learning about dating right now (36:58)
  • How to resist the urge to dim your light while dating (40:47)
The feminine is the answer to our ills.

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Podcast: EP 12 Expectation Hangover with Christine Hassler

Podcast: EP 12 Expectation Hangover with Christine Hassler

If you’re looking for guidance around unmet expectations, here it is.


I am so excited to share this honest, empowering, insightful conversation with my dear sister friend Christine Hassler. Christine and I met years ago through our work, and it is such a gift every time I talk with her.

Christine Hassler is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, master coach, and podcast host who is committed to guiding people and organizations into their highest potential. She left her successful job as a Hollywood agent at 25 to pursue a life she could be passionate about . . . but it did not come easily. After being inspired by her own unexpected challenges and experiences, she realized her journey was indeed her destination.

Today, she supports individuals in answering the questions: “Who Am I, What do I want, and How do I get it?” Christine is a master coach who combines life coaching with the principles of spiritual psychology. She is passionate about supporting people out of suffering and limitation and into fulfillment. 

This conversation is about relationships, self-compassion, letting go of “personal development arrogance” and so much more. I took several notes for myself from it and I hope you do too.

The first law of spirit is acceptance.

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show notes 

  • Why challenges in your life don’t mean you are off course (1:45)
  • How to let go of personal development arrogance (8:20)
  • The best way to better your partner and your relationship (11:30)
  • How unmet expectations are always the trigger for disappointment (18:53)
  • How to shift out of an expectation hangover (23:09)
  • What is underneath the need to feel significant (31:10)
  • The difference between mastering and practicing a skill (36:05)
  • How to respond with love when we are triggered (39:13)
  • What compassion really means (40:20)
  • The purpose of loneliness (45:00)

All expectation hangovers give you an opportunity to heal.

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Podcast: EP 10 Letting Love Find Its Way with Preston Smiles

Podcast: EP 10 Letting Love Find Its Way with Preston Smiles

This conversation will open your heart in a whole new way.


One of my dear friends is on the podcast today, and his story is unlike any other. Preston is a love ambassador. He has transformed every part of his life to align with love and he boldly shares what it looks like to do this (and why we must).

Preston’s mission is to empower, inspire and ignite a multi-generational movement of radical growth through conscious, creative content, acts of love and living boldly.

He believes we’re here to leave the planet better than we found it, and he’s committed to motivating others to join him on that mission, and live their best life NOW. He is a Personal Freedom Coach who supports people in understanding & embracing their fears, so they can live the life of their dreams.

Preston speaks about transformation, love, healing, and the power to become your best self in a way no one else does. I am excited to share this conversation with you and invite you to open your hearts to a beautiful human with a powerful message.

*Note: This episode contains a little bit of strong language that you might want to wear headphones for if kids are around.

It’s not a matter of becoming; it’s a matter of revealing.

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show notes 

  • What happened when Preston was put in special needs classes in school as a child (3:01)
  • The advice that Preston got from his father at 11 years old (7:25)
  • What Preston realized after his best friends were shot as teenagers (9:30)
  • How to transform the limiting belief that you’re not enough (17:22)
  • Rituals to come back into remembering who you really are (24:05)
  • How men can start to heal from toxic masculinity (31:41)
  • What women can do if they feel like their man isn’t growing emotionally (36:45)

Love will find a way. Everything else will find an excuse.

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