Podcast: EP 83 Do It Scared

Podcast: EP 83 Do It Scared

Have you been scared of a big change?


Real talk friends: I’m about to get married and it’s brought up all the nerves about change and entering a new chapter. I know you can relate whether or not you’ve been married. But I wanted to lean into the fear I’ve been experiencing and share with you how I navigate it. It’s such a normal part of growth and evolution, and the more we understand it, the easier we can move through it.

In this episode, I share stories from my own life of how I’ve faced big fears during big change and how I moved through it. I give you the tools and recommendations that help me and that I know can help you if you are facing big change right now.

“When we’re in the business of change, it’s totally normal to have fear and discomfort show up.”

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Show notes:

  • The million dollar question I ask when I’m scared of change (4:56)
  • What one of my mentors taught me about making big decisions (9:00)
  • Why I chose to get married again after being happily single (12:10)
  • The question to ask your fear (15:20)
  • What is usually underneath all fear (19:45)
  • Why we trade potential for familiarity (23:20)
  • What to do when the fear shows up (27:05)



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Podcast: EP 81 The Power of a Morning Ritual

Podcast: EP 81 The Power of a Morning Ritual

Let’s talk about the start of your day.


I hope you’ve loved your summer season as much as I have and that you feel nourished, refreshed, and ready for a rich harvest season. I am excited to start a new season of the podcast and I felt prompted to revisit one of the key tools we’ve talked about before on the show – a morning ritual. This is a huge part of my own daily success strategy and I want to share with you how to build a nourishing one for yourself. 

In this episode, I share what my own morning ritual looks like, with lots of suggestions of how to modify it for your own needs and desires. I include categories, bonus tips, and plenty of recommendations to try out. Let me know if this inspires you to upgrade your own mornings!

“Your rituals equal your results.”

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Show notes:

  • How to begin the practice of a morning ritual (4:50)
  • The Sacred 10 (7:30)
  • A way to prepare for consuming social media in the morning (12:50)
  • 3 categories to build a morning ritual around (17:25)
  • 2 bonus tips for creating a great morning ritual (25:50)



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Podcast: EP 78 Just Start

Podcast: EP 78 Just Start

It’s time to begin.


It’s spring time and it feels like a season of new beginnings. Taking imperfect action was the topic of the very first episode I recorded for this podcast, and it feels like a good time to revisit that idea. This is one of my favorite key success principles. 

In this episode, I share some stories from my own life of what has happened when I’ve waited to be ready to be ready and times when I’ve just started. I hope this gives you the courage to just start.

“Don’t prepare. Just begin.”

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Show notes:

  • A question to ask yourself when you need focus on what to do (1:20)
  • Why starting before you’re ready is ok (5:01)
  • What happens when you become a doer versus a thinker (9:00)



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Podcast: EP 75 Nourish Your Network

Podcast: EP 75 Nourish Your Network

I love training on sales and marketing.


It’s a big part of what I coach on, but that’s not why I love it. It’s because at the core of successful marketing and sales is caring about people. Paying attention to them. Listening to them. Understanding what they need and how you can provide that.

In this episode, I share some of my very best sales tips in relation to nourishing your network and caring about people. I give you some of my favorite examples and inspirations and I hope that after listening you are excited to nourish your relationships, fully confident that you are bringing great value to everyone you connect with.

“The most long-lasting, impactful kind of marketing is a four letter word: care.”

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Show notes:

  • The power of having well-nourished relationships (2:20)
  • The most powerful and long-lasting kind of marketing (4:25)
  • The core needs every human has (9:38)
  • What one connection can create for you (13:03)
  • The art of asking great questions (22:15)


If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts

Podcast: EP 74 What Nourishes You?

Podcast: EP 74 What Nourishes You?

Let this year nourish you.


It’s a new year and I’m feeling all the feels about planning out goals, dreams, and good things. I’ve already been working on my vision board and envisioning all the beautiful things this year can bring. I was inspired to share some of the key things that guide me when I’m in planning mode so that you can be supported fully in your own planning for this year.

In this episode, I share some of my best resources for deciding what best nourishes you and how to prioritize those things this year. You’ve got big goals this year, and I’m here to support you in making them happen by taking care of yourself.

“Consumption and nourishment are two drastically different things.”

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Show notes:

  • How to find things that nourish you (6:30)
  • The free tool I recommend for planning nourishment throughout your year (9:05)


If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts