by Tiffany | Mar 24, 2020 | Goals, Money, Podcast
What is your vision for your future?
One of my favorite ways to manifest what I want is to envision it. I know from personal experience that this is so powerful. So I was very excited to record a conversation with my dear friend Natalie about the most effective ways to do this.
Natalie Ledwell, author of the bestselling book, Never in Your Wildest Dreams, host of The Inspiration Show and Co-founder of Mind Movies, never imagined where she’d end up.
Raised in rural Australia in a family of 8, she knew that she was destined for something bigger, that she wanted more from her life and to help others find the same, but had no idea how to reach her goals.
Fast forward to today and Natalie and her incredible team at Mind Movies have empowered over 5.8 million people around the world to see beyond their own circumstances, to break down the boundaries real or perceived in their lives… and truly begin to find the lives and success they deserve.
In this conversation, Natalie and I discuss how to shift into this mindset, why everything is going to work out, and the power of creating mind movies in your manifestation process.
“I have this expectation that everything will always work out fine, and if it doesn’t show up exactly the way I think it’s going to, I know that what does show up is always in my highest good.
listen on
show notes
- Natalie’s story of launching her most successful business through the law of attraction (2:30)
- What happened to convince Natalie that the law of attraction is real (11:42)
- How to cultivate a belief that things are always working in your highest good (15:26)
- Why surrender is so powerful in manifestation (18:35)
- Why focusing on your being versus your doing is so important (21:40)
- Ways to get centered and in the zone when visioning (34:40)
links mentioned in this episode
follow natalie
If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me to see your feedback through a rating and review on Apple Podcasts!
by Tiffany | Oct 18, 2013 | Money, Relationships, Self Care
In my hometown, the season of Fall is in full bloom. The beautiful and bold yellow, reds, and orange leaves have made their debut. The temperatures have chilled off and the wool socks and hot cocoas are being gratefully enjoyed in my home. There are pumpkins on the porch and delicious Fall flavored candles lit each day.
One of my favorite quotes from Henry David Thoreau is this one:
“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of earth.”
I love Fall and everything about this season. (Can you tell?)
Seasons changing in our own lives is just as real as the changing of the seasons of the earth. The one constant in life is change and like the thought by Thoreau suggests, embrace each season as it comes.
Although change can tend to bring up fears and discomfort, what is really at play is embracing the uncertainty of the unknown – this is true whether your fear is of failure or of success. When we are leaving behind what is familiar and heading into unknown territory it’s common and normal for fear and second guessing to come forward for you to address.
I invite you to face the fear, walk through it, and you will see that you are stronger, more capable, and simply more fantastic than you previously knew.
Now, some changes come to us that are unwelcomed, unplanned for, and simply hurt. This could be loss in any form – loved ones, job, health, relationship, you name it. Loss is a grieving process of letting go of what once was in your life and/or relationships. I honor that sacred space and there is a need for grief and healing. If you’re in a major transition, please make sure to reach out and get support around you.
I do know that even with the greatest of heartaches, there are opportunities for growth and claiming of a new chapter of life. I have learned even in my own deepest heartaches in certain seasons of my life that even those heartbreaks contained powerful lessons for me to soak in.
Whether the change you’re facing this season is of a major magnitude or the smaller, move the needle type of changes, here are a few questions to help you navigate change:
- What is this here to teach me? What is the lesson of this experience?
- What’s the gift of this new season?
- Why am I resisting this change? What’s the fear really about? What if I could surrender versus struggle with this change?
- What would I rather experience or create in my life?
- What small change can I make today that with time will have the greatest influence?
I also find that activities like increased self care (exercise, rest, & nutrition) and surrounding ourselves with positive and loving people, books, or materials can help during the change process.
I would invite you to consider that change is also to be celebrated too, right? All to often we’re resisting change or in fear of it. Yet consider this, for many of you if your life was the exact same 10 years from today, you would be miserable! Change gives life a lot of juice, excitement, new adventure & discovery, and allows for even greater things, people, and opportunities to come to us. Change can get a bad rap, but it’s also that same change that gives you growth, meaning, purpose, and opportunities!
Consider this…just what if life was always working for your highest good? Hmmm….
Just what if we could trust a little more and doubt a little less?…of life, others, ourselves, etc.?
Just what if we could resign ourselves (surrender) to the season we are in, even if it’s painful and ouchy and scary and gleam the juicy gems and insights that are waiting to be seen?
Just what if change really does come bearing gifts?

I echo the classic sentiments expressed many years ago…
“To everything there is a season and a purpose under heaven.”
There is purpose to the season you are in. There are many things to be grateful for no matter what swirls around us. Embrace the changes you’re facing, allow them to teach you, and celebrate that life has great things in store for you (uncertainty wrapped in excitement).
“Change comes bearing gifts…” – Price Pritchett.
Cheers to you fellow traveler of change.
by Tiffany | Jun 20, 2013 | Featured, Money, Sales, Strategy, Success, Time Management
Office Hours for the Entrepreneur
Watch the video here:
A few nuggets to look at for yourself:
- What are my office hours?
- When am I most productive?
- What activities have the biggest influence to sales & income?
Creating a thriving business while playing more is realistic when we have quality not quantity blocks of time to focus on our MVP’s (most valuable priorities) in business.
You can have both – fun & playfulness AND productive work hours (quality) that grow your sales and income.
Cheering you on!
by Tiffany | Feb 20, 2013 | Money, Sales, Strategy, Success, Success Circle
and The Need for Multiple Price Points
Your Sales Funnel needs to have multiple price points to help your business thrive – from free to tiers 1, 2, & 3 in pricing options – we will cover in depth the buyer’s psychology & need for options.
If you’re just getting started in business or you’re seasoned, this training call will help you grow your business.
Your Sales Funnel & Multiple Price Points by Tiffany Peterson