Podcast: EP 10 Letting Love Find Its Way with Preston Smiles

Podcast: EP 10 Letting Love Find Its Way with Preston Smiles

This conversation will open your heart in a whole new way.


One of my dear friends is on the podcast today, and his story is unlike any other. Preston is a love ambassador. He has transformed every part of his life to align with love and he boldly shares what it looks like to do this (and why we must).

Preston’s mission is to empower, inspire and ignite a multi-generational movement of radical growth through conscious, creative content, acts of love and living boldly.

He believes we’re here to leave the planet better than we found it, and he’s committed to motivating others to join him on that mission, and live their best life NOW. He is a Personal Freedom Coach who supports people in understanding & embracing their fears, so they can live the life of their dreams.

Preston speaks about transformation, love, healing, and the power to become your best self in a way no one else does. I am excited to share this conversation with you and invite you to open your hearts to a beautiful human with a powerful message.

*Note: This episode contains a little bit of strong language that you might want to wear headphones for if kids are around.

It’s not a matter of becoming; it’s a matter of revealing.

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show notes 

  • What happened when Preston was put in special needs classes in school as a child (3:01)
  • The advice that Preston got from his father at 11 years old (7:25)
  • What Preston realized after his best friends were shot as teenagers (9:30)
  • How to transform the limiting belief that you’re not enough (17:22)
  • Rituals to come back into remembering who you really are (24:05)
  • How men can start to heal from toxic masculinity (31:41)
  • What women can do if they feel like their man isn’t growing emotionally (36:45)

Love will find a way. Everything else will find an excuse.

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Podcast: EP 8 Protect Your Peace with Trent Shelton

Podcast: EP 8 Protect Your Peace with Trent Shelton

How much do you value your personal peace?


I am bringing you something special from the archives today.

This week’s show features an incredible friend and guest, Trent Shelton, as we share inspiring gems around self worth, gratitude and generosity, and protecting your peace. Trent is a former NFL player, self worth advocate, and has built a massive platform online inspiring others. Trent was a previous guest on my annual free Gratitude Series in 2018 and this conversation was so rich with life gems, that I wanted all of you to have access to it.

You can also join in on my current Gratitude Series program for free by registering at www.GratitudeSeries.com

When you learn to appreciate everything you have, you will realize that you have everything you need.

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show notes 

  • How Trent went from a pro football athlete to a super influential self-worth coach (0:48)
  • Why we all need rehab from something (10:20)
  • How to practice gratitude as a habit (13:55)
  • What to do if you don’t think you are enough (21:45)
  • How to anchor yourself to your worth when you’re in a funk (26:07)
  • What it means to protect your peace (29:56)
  • What Trent has learned about generosity (34:09)
  • What to keep in mind during a challenging time (45:11)

If you want to keep it, give it away.

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Podcast: EP 6 When Dreams Change Course with Chad Hymas

Podcast: EP 6 When Dreams Change Course with Chad Hymas

What happens when your life goes drastically different than you planned?

I am bringing you a very special episode today – a conversation with my dear friend, more like a brother, Chad Hymas.

In 2001, at the age of 27, Chad’s life changed in an instant when a 2,000 pound bale of hay shattered his neck, leaving him a quadriplegic. But Chad’s dreams were not paralyzed that day – he became an example of what is possible.

Chad inspires, motivates, and moves audiences, creating an experience that touches hearts for a lifetime. He is one of the youngest ever to receive the Council of Peers Award for Excellence and to be inducted into the prestigious National Speaker Hall of Fame.

Chad is an incredible perspective check for anyone who is struggling with challenges, has had a devastating loss, or is wondering if their dreams are even possible. I am so grateful for his generous words and heart, and I know you’ll be uplifted through whatever you’re going through after listening to him.

There is more than one way to accomplish a dream.

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show notes 

  • How our dreams and goals can constantly push us to evolve (3:38)
  • What happens when our dreams start to falter (8:20)
  • Why taking ownership of everything in our lives is so important (10:18)
  • Why we must be teachable in order to evolve (13:20)
  • How to think about hard challenges when you’re right in the middle of them (20:27)
  • The power of gratitude for what you have to attract more (24:10)
  • How to help yourself by serving others (28:00)
  • How Chad is learning how to receive support in a current transition (36:10)
Dreams don’t come true with I-optic vision. They come true with We-optic vision.


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Podcast: EP 5 When You Want to Feel Good … The Power of Gratitude

Podcast: EP 5 When You Want to Feel Good … The Power of Gratitude

This is one of my favorite daily practices.


I have a lot of daily habits that have served me and my business through the years. But one of my very favorite ones is gratitude. I feel so good when I am in a practice of gratitude – for small and big things, day in and day out.

I recorded a solo episode on the podcast to share some of the specifics of how I practice gratitude daily and why it’s so powerful. If you’re resonating with this topic, I invite you to join me in November for my annual Gratitude and Generosity Series. It’s one of my favorite things I do all year!

Think of service as an expression of gratitude.

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show notes

  • Why it’s so valuable to make gratitude a practice (1:50)

  • How to expand what you want more of (8:10)

  • The power of our thoughts to attract what we want (11:50)

  • How to view adversity as a gift (15:45)

  • Practices to cultivate gratitude daily (19:19)

Emotion puts us into motion.

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The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more.”
-Oprah Winfrey

At some point in your studies or in your browsing of Facebook quotes, you’ve heard of the concept that what we focus on expands. Or in simple terms, we get more of what we give our attention to.

Have you ever noticed if you’re feeling bugged, annoyed, or simply blue, you can easily find more of those experiences to continue that feeling?

And the opposite is true too – when you’re feeling good, happy, grateful and excited about life that you can attract more of the feel good?

Gratitude is one of my favorite foundational success principles.

It cultivates happiness, contentment, and a positive personality that people want to be around.

It can also be the linchpin of creating success. A few years ago I was attending a business growth seminar by Brendon Burchard with 700 other people. David Bach, famous best selling author of all the financial education books such as The Automatic Millionaire, was an attendee in the audience. Brendon had David come up on stage for just a few minutes. Brendon asked David to sum up and share his number one success strategy. David’s response? “I’ve written down a few things each day that I’m grateful for and I believe that has made all the difference.”  Of all the things he could say or express, he chose gratitude. It reinforced to me what already rang true in my heart.

Fostering an attitude of gratitude keeps us grounded to the good. It opens our eyes, hearts, and minds to possibilities. It helps us attract opportunities and cultivate positive relationships.

Now, it’s not always “easy” to do so, especially when life has served us up some form of struggle that is sucking up our attention – financial fears, relationship struggles, loneliness, health issues, or a myriad of other life “stuff” to navigate. However, if this is you right now, this principle is even more important for you. This could be the lifeline for you turning your situation around. Science and research has proved that our attitudes and disposition has a direct influence on our lives and our health.

Have you made a gratitude deposit lately?

Here are a few quick suggestions to get you in the flow and feeling better, happier, and more optimistic:

1.) Make a gratitude list. Simple enough write a list of the things you’re thankful for.

  • You woke up today.
  • You can read this email.
  • You have a computer or mobile device; therefore
  • you have great opportunities.
  • Your health, relationships, your home, etc.
  • Good books, nature, your faith
  • And so on…

2.) Acknowledge someone else for what you’re grateful for in them. By appreciating others, you’re making a positive deposit that has a contagious effect on you.

3.) During the first few minutes that you awake and the last few minutes before going to sleep, say out loud or think in your thoughts the things you are grateful for. Our minds are most potent as we drift off to sleep and as we awake. Make gratitude your focus points to begin and complete your day.

This month I invite you to get swept up in the power of gratitude in your own life. Allow yourself to feel grateful, even for and especially with the little things that bring joy to your life. Be grateful for YOU and all that you’re striving for in your life. Your life makes a difference.

I am so grateful that we are connected. Your stories, sharing, and inspiring lives touches my heart and motivates me on my own path. Thank you for being willing to live your own unique path.


Cheering you on!
